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What are you curious to know about the day's top stories? Ask here. CNN will choose the best questions and put the answers on TV and the Web.

Your questions can cover anything from the war on terrorism to international relations, health issues, technology, sports and entertainment. If you do not have a question but would like to share your comments with us, please contact us at:

Some examples:
• How is law enforcement working globally to coordinate the war on terror?
• Why is the status of Jerusalem one of the most contentious issues in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?
• What is the maximum amount of money I can contribute to my IRA annually?
• How do e-mail viruses work?
• What is the difference between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol?

Watch CNN television (U.S.) throughout the day for "Ask CNN" segments.

Now here's my question!

 First  name: Last name:
 City: State:
 What is your question?
 CNN will attempt to find an expert to answer your question. If there's
 someone you'd suggest, let us know.

NOTE: Providing your name and home city below shall serve as permission to use same in relation to the "ask CNN" project in all media (print, television, and/or internet, etc.) in the United States and abroad.
To send feedback or questions about or CNN shows, please use this link.



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