Project Azeroth -> Language Annex

Common Languages

The Common Languages are those that are understood by an entire faction. They are:

Race Languages

Each Race speaks an individual language. The correlation is as follows:

Night ElfDarnarssian
Blood ElfThallassian?

Translation Explaination

The translation table is based on the length of the word. A 2 letter combo will always translate to another 2 letter combo. This works up to some maximum word length and then defaults to some shorter phrases. Possible translations for each length are very limited. This is why there are so many translation collisions with other words. You can only guess what they say based on the most common used words and the context it was used.

Example of Common language translation arrays:

  • 1: e, o, y, u
  • 2: ko, ti, re, se, lu, va, ru, ve, an, lo, me
  • 3: bur, ras, vil, ver, far, mod, ash, bor, hir, lon, (incomplete)
  • 4: uden, agol, dana, veld, ruff, (incomplete)

Notes / Needs

This page is in need of editing of the Race Languages section; if you know the spelling / name of the language.