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Russian news & information agency "RIA Novosti"
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As of January 15, 2006, only a proportion of the information published by RIA Novosti will be available on the Web site. RIA Novosti’s English language materials are only available in full through the RIAN News Service newswire. For a free trial of the full real-time version, please contact 007 (495) 981-65-02, 007 (495) 201-34-84 or sales@rian.ru. More information is available here.

16-04-2008 09:52 Re. Is Bush winning his battle for ideology?  I think the article about our very unpopular president (Bush) in brilliant.  It gives a point of view that some Americans are not likely to understand.  I enjoy readings from your website.  A recent article I read in a New Mexico paper explained that former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev urged "global glasnost" in his recent visit to New Mexico.  I believe that he is correct.  I am an adamant American patriot, but I believe we need a change.  There is blame to be placed all around the world for the violent problems faced in all hemispheres. Being the type of person that starts at home first I will say that the US involvement in the Middle East and Kosovo (current involvement) are entirely out of step.  As iterated in the aformentioned RIA article the "Russian (Soviet) reforms" at home had a great impact in the "end of the Cold War".  Many Americans understand that imperialism is no way of perpetuating peace. 
16-04-2008 09:39 RE: "Fur from 'humane trap'" - April 14, 2008 Someone has been given very false information about traps in Canada and elsewhere. There are no instant killing traps, or 'humane traps', anywhere in the world. The Canadian government started searching for 'humane' traps 35 years ago, seeking to replace the leghold traps, the body holding Conibear trap and the snare. All deemed very cruel. In spite of all this testing, and searching, and spending millions of taxpayers funds, no humane traps could be found. Instead the Canadian trappers are using the same three types of traps, but claiming they are better now because they have been modified. The modifications are as cruel as before, and in some cases even worse as they have recommended adding two extra springs to the leghold trap to increase the clamping pressure, and thus the pain, and calling it a 'padded' leghold trap. No one can leave their fingers in this trap for more than a few minutes because it quickly cuts off the blood supply. Humane it is not.
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10-04-2008 14:22 Why does Iran need thermonuclear bubbles?..." When it comes to suppress smal countries the Russian Bear and American Wolf both are "strategically" out there to exploit the weaks....This article shows how angry the Russians are, actualy it could be published and edited in most reactionary papers of Angloamericans world such as "prestiges" Wall Street Journal....
13-03-2008 10:19 Yelena Shesternina wrote in her opinion piece, "The value of human life overrides any liberties, even freedom of expression." That is the fundamental difference between Russian and Western mentality, for we believe that to not live in freedom is to not live at all.
26-02-2008 11:11 I enjoyed Gornostaev's article on the fire at U.S. Embassy and its relation to the breaking of international law by USA and NATO in Kosovo. However, I doubt that Americans feel very angry or humiliated by the burning of their flag: U.S. citizens do this in USA, and some wear it for bathing suits or underwear. I suspect we are not that sensitive on this issue, for better or for worse ? and we might just be getting used to seeing our flag burned in country after country. Yet very few wonder if we might have anything to do with that.
20-02-2008 13:33 Your article "Latvian Interior Minister slams British as "pigs" - as a Brit. I can only apologise for this uncouth behaviour by British louts. What a pity these people haven't been taught in their homes and schools that when abroad they represent their home country and their actions reflect upon a whole nation. You will understand that this is a minority and we don't all behave in this manner at home or abroad.

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