Top 50 Hottest Game Babes on Trial

#7 Samus Aran (Metroid)

The Empire Strikes Back taught us many things, chief among them that bounty hunters are a very unattractive lot of robots and monsters. With that said, Nintendo's Samus Aran is a refreshing change of pace, a tough, no nonsense warrior that isn't afraid to remove her famous orange and yellow power suit and let her hair down, especially to reveal her skin tight clothing.

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Latest Gallery Comments (637)

  • patsmaniac on 5/30/2008 11:14 pm

    Geeky or not, I can't belive that Ashley from Resident Evil 4 wasn't on this list. Watch her crawl under objects with that sexy little Catholic schoolgirl skirt on and tell me I'm wrong.

  • rougealchemist12 on 5/30/2008 11:14 pm

    And it's a multi-billion dollar industry, no way these girls were designed at three AM, it takes months of planning and design. Saying they were designed early in the morning by a nerd is like saying your house was concieved by someone drawing on a napkin at a 2-bit resteraunt. Have some respect for the game Iindustry, please.

  • greenlakededham on 5/30/2008 11:13 pm

    stfleurinsurance on 5/30/2008 10:33 pm What a shame. Out of 52 imaginary games, not one black imaginary one. Come on people, let's get real. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEY stfleurinsurance , THEY COULDN'T FIND ENOUGH SCREEN SPACE TO FIT THEIR BUTT IN.

  • justmicrowaveit on 5/30/2008 11:10 pm

    It's funny. In Japan (Which is where a lot of these come from) females do a lot of game design, so do happily married men. Idiot.

  • justmicrowaveit on 5/30/2008 11:09 pm

  • danielobrien1000 on 5/30/2008 11:00 pm

    Pretty funny most of these were propbably disigned around 3 in the mroning by some 33 year old cheeto's munch dork living in Moms basesmsent. Think "Puffs" stock must rise evertime a new game like these coming out because no whay, no how were the designed by anyone with an an human girl Friend..

  • hyperman660 on 5/30/2008 10:58 pm

    "Women of all ages are being exposed to women of unrealistic body sizes, and this has been bringing the body images' of many young women accross our culture into a negative light. It is unfortunate that women are so affected by these images. However, especially among our younger girls, women are believing that if they are not as thin as these characters portrayed on television and games, they are not up to par. We need to teach our youth healthy habits by teaching them about what a healthy body is. Many women have been going to extremes to achieve a lower body weight, which is often unhealthy. Body fat is healthy, and women die all the time attempting to achieve a low body fat percentage. I think it would be psychologically healthier for everyone if the women portrayed in these games and on television had a more realistic, healthy body size and shape." ----------- Or MAYBE just .. MAYBE raise your kids right and give them some selfesteem instead of sitting them infront of the tv.. but who am I to say because we all know its video games and tv that are the problem. Idiots >>

  • lilmizpisces on 5/30/2008 10:54 pm

    Women of all ages are being exposed to women of unrealistic body sizes, and this has been bringing the body images' of many young women accross our culture into a negative light. It is unfortunate that women are so affected by these images. However, especially among our younger girls, women are believing that if they are not as thin as these characters portrayed on television and games, they are not up to par. We need to teach our youth healthy habits by teaching them about what a healthy body is. Many women have been going to extremes to achieve a lower body weight, which is often unhealthy. Body fat is healthy, and women die all the time attempting to achieve a low body fat percentage. I think it would be psychologically healthier for everyone if the women portrayed in these games and on television had a more realistic, healthy body size and shape.

  • anh7hu0ng3m on 5/30/2008 10:50 pm

    rumble roses and dead or alive has hot girls.. but the other games iono

  • hisami09 on 5/30/2008 10:47 pm

    they make it sound like we sleep with them geez its only a game,not like kids are having sex with hem and doing drugs and i find it stupid when a parent blames games,movies or what ever when their child has a problem, maybe kids wont play these games if their parents wouldn't buy them or teach them better or actual raised their child instead of leaving them in front of the tv
