lexicon of foreign words in philosophy texts

ab initio (L): from the beginning
acte gratuit (F): free action
actio (L): action
ab extra (L): from outside
abgeschmackt (Ger): in bad taste, lit. away from tasting good
ab ibidem (L): from the same place
ab ovo (L): from the beginning, lit. from the egg
abstractum (L): drawn off, seperated from
actus (L): motion, performance
ad absurdum (L): to absurdity
ad acta (L): to public acts
ad finem (L): to the end
ad hominem (homines) (L): to the man
ad infinitum (L): to the unlimited, endlessly
ad oculus (L): to the eyes, visibly
aêr (G): the lower air that surrounds the earth; the atmosphere
aesthêsis (G): perception by the senses; sense-impression
aethêr (G): the pure upper air
affirmo (L): I affirm
a fortiori (L): even more so; from the stronger
agape (G): selfless love
agens (L): to set in motion; driving force, acting entity
agere sequitur esse (L): action follows from being, action is determined        by being
aletheia (G): unconcealedness
aletheuein (G): to speak truth, to be truthful
a limine (L): refute something from the outset
aliquid (L): in some degree, to some extent
alogon (G): non-rational; without language
amor fati (L): willing acceptance of whatever fate decrees
amour de soi (F): self-love
amour propre (F): vanity
analogon rationis (L): similar to reason
ananke (G): necessity
ancien régime (F): former system
aneu logou (G): without reason
anima mundi (L): world-soul
animaux domestiques (F): domestic animals
animal laborans (L): working animal
animal metaphysicum (L): metaphysical animal
animal rationale (L): rational animal
animal socialis (L): social animal
animus sive mens (L): whether soul or mind; impulse or design
an sich (Ger): in itself
antecedens--consequens (L): antecedent--consequent
anthropophyeis (G): of or through man's nature
aperçus (F): general surveys
apeiron (G): the boundless, the infinite, the indeterminate
apoliteia (G): apolitical
apologia pro vita sua (L): defense for his life
a posteriori (L): from the latter
apprehensio bruta (L): brute apprehension
apprehensio simplex (L): simple apprehension
a prima facia (L): at first sight
a priori (L): from the former
arbitrum liberum (L): a free decision, freedom of the will
archê (arkhê) (G): first-principle
aretê (G): specific excellence, the proper virtue of a person or thing as        determined by its nature
argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur (L): the force of the argument lies in        their weight, not number
argumentum ad baculum (L): argument to the club
argumentum ad hominem (L): an argument appealing to the emotions of the        opponent, lit. argument against the man
argumentum ad ignorantiam (L): argument to ignorance
argumentum ad judicium (L): argument to legal authority
argumentum ad misericordiam (L): argument to pity
argumentum ad populum (L): argument to the people
argumentum ad rem (L): an argument based on the facts of the matter
argumentum ad verecundiam (L): argument to reverence
argumentum ad veritatem (L): objective proof
argumentum baculinum (L): tangible proof, lit. the argument of the cudgel
argumentum consensus gentium (L): argument from the consensus of the        nation
argumentum ex contrario (L): proof from the contrary
argumentum ex silentio (L): an argument based on suppressing something
ars gratia artis (L): art for the sake of art
ars nova (L): new skill, unusual art
ars vetus (L): long standing skill or art
askholia (G): unquiet
assertio (L): assertion
a tempo (L): simultaneously
Aufklärung (Ger): enlightenment
au fond (F): at bottom
Augenblick (Ger): moment, instant, lit. eye-glance
banausos (G): one who engages in handicraft; low, vulgar, illiberal
beau idéal (F): ideal or perfect beauty
beau rôle (F): cherished or beautiful role
Bedeutung (Ger): reference, meaning
bellum omnium contra omnes (L): war of all against all
bene fundata (L): well-founded
bestehende Sachverhalt (Ger): existing state of affairs
bête noire (F): object of obsessive aversion, detested person, lit. black creature
Bildung (Ger): formation, creation, development
bios (G): life
bios politikos (G): life devoted to political matters, lit. mode of political life
bona fide (L): in good faith, with sincerity; honest, sincere
bon sens (F): good sense
bons mots (F): good words
bonum (L): good
bonum consummatum (L): complete or perfect good
bonum supremum (L): final good
bürgerlische Gesellschaft (Ger): civil society
casus belli (L): occasion for war
cauchmar (F): nightmare
causa activa (L): an acting cause
causa cognoscendi (L): cause of ascertainment or knowing; inducement to find        out or ascertain
causa corporalis (L): a physical cause
causa efficiens (L): an efficient cause
causa essendi (L): cause of being or existence
causa finalis (L): a final cause
causa formalis (L): a formal cause
causa materialis (L): a cause acting in substance, matter; material cause; a        substratum of action
causa movens (motiva) (L): a motive cause
causa occasionalis (L): an accidental cause
causa sui (L): cause of itself, its own cause
ceteris paribus (L): other things being equal
chansons réalistes (F): realistic song or story
characteristica universalis (L): universal language
chrêmata (G): goods, merchandise, inanimate things
chthôn (G): earth
circulus vitiosus (L): vicious circle, giving as proof that which has to be proved
citoyen (F): citizen
cogitatio (L): reflection, meditation
cogito (L): I think
coincidentia oppositorum (L): coincidence of opposites
commercium (L): commerce
commune bonum (L): the common good
communio (L): community, communion
compagnon (F): companion
compositum (L): composed
conatus (L): striving
conatus sese presurvandi (L): impulse to self preservation
conceptus communis (L): common or shared conception
concretum (L): concretized
concursus dei (L): god's concurrence
condition et situation humaine (F): human condition and situation
condition humaine (F): human condition
conditio sine qua non (L): an indispensable condition
confrèrie (F): brotherhood
coniunctio (L): combination
conjunctio (L): union, conjunction
consensus gentium (consensus omnium) (L): consent of the nations, general        consent
consequentia (L): consequence, natural succession
consequentiae immediatae (L): immediate consequence
contradictio in adjecto (L): contradiction in terms or in definition
contrat social (F): social contract
contretemps (F): adverse occurrence, unexpected dilemma, sudden accident or        confusion, lit. against-time
coup de grâce (F): finishing stroke
coup d'état (F): blow to the state
credo ut intelligam (L): I beleive so that I may understand
crux metaphysicorum (L): metaphysical torment or torture; cross-roads or        serious difficulty of metaphysics
cum principia negante non est disputandum (L): it is impossible to conduct a        dispute unless there is a consensus regarding the basic premises
curiosum (L): curious
Da (Ger): There
daemôn (G): spirit, demigod
Dasein (Ger): presence, lit. there-being
de dicto (L): of words, of what is said
déclassé (F): placed into an inferior category, fallen into mediocrity
de facto (L): in fact, actually
definitio essentialis (L): an essential definition
de jure (L): legitimately, by law, lawful, by right
dementia praecox (L): dementia of adolescence
de omnibus dubitandum est (L): everything must be doubted
de re (L): of things
de rigueur (F): indispensable, absolutely necessary
desideratum (L): something wanted
desuetudo (L): disuse
de trop (F): not wanted, unwelcome, lit. excessive
Deus est suum esse (L): God is his being
deus ex machine (L): an unexpected and fortunate occurance, lit. a god from a        machine
Deus sive natura (L): God or nature
devenir réel (F): to become real
diakrisis (G): separation
dianoia (G): discursive thought
dictum de omni et nullo (L): said of all and of none
différance (F): differing-deferal
differentia specifica (L): a generic distinction, a characteristic feature
Ding-an-sich (Ger): thing-in-itself
disjecta (disiecta) membra (L): scattered remains
docta ignorantia (L): learned ignorance
dominus (L): master, owner, ruler
Doppelgänger (Ger): look-alike, alter-ego, lit. double-goer
doxa (G): opinion, belief
dramatis personae (L): list of characters in a play; the participants in an event,        lit. persons of the drama
droit du seigneur (F): right of the lord
durée (F): duration
dynamis (G): power; potentiality
ecstasis (L): ecstasy, trance, rapture
ego agens (L): I will
ego cogitans (L): I think
eidos (G): form
ekstasis (G): displacement
elan vital (F): life force, vital impetus
embarras de richesses (F): problem or obstacle of abundance; embarrassment        of riches
émigré (F): emigrant, expatriate
en bloc (F): as a unit
en détail (F): in detail
energeia (G): activity, actuality
energia (L): energy, efficiency
enfant terrible (F): young terror; precocious youngster
en masse (L): all together
en route (F): on the way
ens (L): being, existence, essence, entity
ens a se (L): being as such
ens cogitans (L): the thinking being
ens entium (L): the essence of essences
ens imaginarium (L): imaginary thing
ens increatum (L): uncreated thing
ens nonsuccessivum (L): nonsuccessive entity
ens originarium (L): original being
en-soi (F): in-itself
ens perfectissimum (L): most perfect being
ens rationis (L): an abstract logical entity; being or existence as conceived by        the intellect
ens reale (L): being which is independent of the mind