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Uploaded by on Apr 22, 2008

Sunday 20th April 08.

Russia has denied claims that one of its fighter jets has shot down an unmanned Georgian spy plane.

This video was filmed by the drone and shows a missile being fired and the impact.


News & Politics



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  • Georgians are a sad nation of morons.


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  • All I hear is whining and bitching. You people claim one side because the media left out one thing "the location" look at yourself in the mirror. Perhaps you're ignorantly jumping to conclusions to quickly? None of you know what happened or why it happened so do yourselves a favor and just shut up.

  • I've heard others aside from yourself say "We used nukes before, we're the ones who don't give a fuck" if you people entered the factors as to why we had to retaliate with such force then that line would be inconsequential to whatever argument you're trying to give. Seriously go back to school and pass your history class this time.

  • This drone was an Israeli manufactured Hermes 450 drone, provided to Georgia. So it was a perfectly decent unmanned drone.

  • Akula!

  • It looks way too awesome to be real... right??

  • Well actually it's Sky News which is owned by Rupert Murdoch who owns Fox News. While news stations in the UK have to be neutral by law it has been found to be right wing/conservative in most stories. I wouldn't exactly call them liberal biased.

  • So Russia was protecting the Osetians from an oversized rc plane? Yea thats really saying "we dont give a fuck." We've used nukes before, so id say were the one's who don't give a fuck.

  • they (media) have to make sure you remember how the evil russians wrongly shot down a spy plane that the "innocent and loving" georgians were using to monitor their baby milk factory output. they would certianly never violate any countries airspace, right? o wait, the "news" forgot to mention where this happened, but rest assured, the tone of the report indicates the russians were in the wrong. we dont need facts, just trust the media to do the right thing. dont try to think on our own :/

  • exactly, i thought european news sources were not as liberal biased as the shit news we get in the USA. they conveniently neglect to mention where this occured, so busy expressing "shock" at the actions of the evil russkies. perhaps the liberal bias disease has infected all news organisations now, Obama's election proved the theory of mass media power and influence after all.

  • How many times she got to repeat the same ol shit over and over.

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