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Madden NFL 08 - Nickel 155 - SS Zone Blitz

January 16, 2008 9:09 am - Author: Kyle Cooper

Madden NFL 08 - Nickel 155 - SS Zone Blitz

Throwing unconventional defenses at your opponent may be just what you need to get more stops.

The Nickel 155 is one of the most unique defensive formations in the game. This formation isn't one that most top gamers will use throughout an entire game, but it can be confusing facing it every now and then. In the following example, SportsGamer's going to demonstrate how making just one simple move before the snap can turn up your defense's pressure.


Nickel 155 - SS Zone Blitz



XBOX 360 / PS3

Quick Setup

Step 1 - Shift the defensive line to the right (360 - LB + right on d-pad / PS3 - L1 + right on d-pad).

Step 2 - Call for bump n' run coverage (360 - Y + down on d-pad / PS3 - Triangle + down on d-pad).

Step 3 - (optional used in video) - Manually move the blitzing strong safety out wider to prevent your opponent from being able to roll away from the pressure.

Play Breakdown

In the first image shown above you can see the defensive assignments for the SS Zone Blitz.  The only step required to bring pressure up the A-gap is shifting the defensive line to the right.  However, we've also decided to use Quick Setup step number 2 by calling for bump n' run coverage to place the blitzing strong safety down on the line of scrimmage.  Now we've setup the pressure and we're ready to begin the play. 

As soon as quarterback Phillip Rivers receives the snap the pressure begins developing up front.  The defensive tackle immediately engages with the center, while the right guard engages with the blitzing left outside linebacker.  These two developments up front allow our middle linebacker to shoot through the open A-gap in between them. 

The heat from the middle linebacker proved to be too much as Rivers is taken down hard to the ground for a big loss on the play. 

In this example we've decided to use Quick Setup step number 3 and manually move the blitzing strong safety out wider.  Moving the strong safety out wider prevents our opponent from easily being able to roll away from the pressure to his throwing side.  


Final Thoughts

The SS Zone Blitz isn't a play that you'd want to call every down because it's susceptible to the run.  However, it's effective when mixed in a couple times throughout the course of a game.  We'd recommend using this play when your opponent is faced with a passing situation.  Select the New England defensive playbook and try this play out for yourself to see what kind of results it can yield.

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Comments about this article

Posted by: on March 18, 2008, 2:58 pm
The problem with this is that he can just spectacular catch with gates or chambers since its one on one and u can just have tomlison block to stop the pressure
Posted by: blkhrts on April 29, 2008, 4:53 am
Good stuff