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  • Subject: You people, and your SWAT whining. >:( Stop. Seriously.
Subject: You people, and your SWAT whining. >:( Stop. Seriously.

Ok, so maybe it's just me now.

Maybe I'm the only one left who has played Halo:Combat Evolved campaign a million times, and Halo 2 campaign 1/2 a million times.

You SHOULD be used to killing elites by now!

If you are not, perhaps its time to brush up on your skills!

If you have never (god forbid) ever played ANY of the campaign, (1) Your missing out on a great story, and (2) it is IMO the best way to get skilled with the game, not MM.

It's not hard. This "advantage" you all looooove to b1tch about is all in your head. Seriously. Lead your shots. Accept the fact that somebody was quicker on the draw than you, and try harder the next time.

The more of you that want to switch to elites for this "advantage" are just making me feel more nostalgic.

Thank You. Have Fun!

[Edited on 05.01.2008 2:33 PM PDT]

  • 05.01.2008 2:32 PM PDT
Subject: You people, and your SWAT whining. >:( Stop. Seriously.

Isna 'Nosolee, my Sangheili name.

Join Last Resort, the best group on Bungie.net.

Big Team Battle > all other playlists

Actually, it has been proven that Elites have advantages, and if I need to I can find a bunch of links to tests people did to help prove it. It IS NOT all in peoples heads, it is all real.

  • 05.01.2008 2:35 PM PDT

Hey. Relax.

Posted by: shane9999100
Actually, it has been proven that Elites have advantages, and if I need to I can find a bunch of links to tests people did to help prove it. It IS NOT all in peoples heads, it is all real.

every single person who complains about elites is just looking for an excuse as to why they are losing. if you were better at halo, you wouldnt have a problem. its time for some practice children.

  • 05.01.2008 2:38 PM PDT

I will give you this much, when shooting from behind, head shots are more difficult.

In terms of spartans, its harder because their armor froms a "back pack" as I like to call it. Simply aim slightly above, problem solved.

The same actually applies for elites as well. When they run thinking they are going to make it, just aim a hair above and the bullets arc will finish them.

Im not on crack, it works! trust me!

  • 05.01.2008 2:41 PM PDT

http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=18846619 Banned for posting false links to stupid rap videos.

I'm pretty sure the bold words mark being bias...
GT: Domefire
I wake up every morning and ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself.

Elites are just goofy...

Use the effin hit boxes people! Instead of sweeping side to side, you sweep up and down, and then it nulls the Elite's advantage a little.

  • 05.01.2008 2:42 PM PDT

Know your roots.

Halo CE = Love.

  • 05.01.2008 2:48 PM PDT

I love when a Bungie employee, not a moderator(no offense), actually post in the forums. It's the only thing that you know for sure is true(most of the time).
Halo CE Campaign > Halo 2 Campaign but not because of the Arbiter
Halo 2 MP > Halo CE MP
Pwned is not a word.

I have never complained about it but I actually switched to an Elite a long time ago just because they do have an advantage. To deny this shows ignorance. Do a little searching and you'll find video showing the advantage.

Making this thread is just as bad as someone making a new thread complaining about Elites.

  • 05.01.2008 2:54 PM PDT

Your just creating another thread to argue about it in. You think the people who really hate S.W.AT are going to change there minds just because you created a new thread about it? I think not.

  • 05.01.2008 3:54 PM PDT

I agree with the OP in a sense. I miss killing Elites in Campaign. Still don't fully understand why they were removed (Sad Face)

I've had a lot of bogus happen with Elites, More prominent with Elites than Spartans, But then again I've also pulled off some heroic shots on them.

Really, it depends more on lag then the character model. I find that most the time in SWAT your coming from the side of someone anyways, and that's where the Elite is weakest. Rarely do you come from behind cuz people are wary of the no motion tracker, and when you do if they choose to fight they have to turn around anyways and when they do, that exposes the side.

Killing Elites just takes a slight more adjustment.

Oh, and of course to kill them from the front is even easier than Spartans. Most people aim at Chest level anyways, So why even change where your aiming? Their head drops to their chest.

Yes, There's some bogus with them every once in a while. But then again there's a lot of Bogus with Spartans too. I've experienced teh same problems with both character models.

  • 05.01.2008 4:32 PM PDT

Posted by: ScreelingSlayer
Oh, and of course to kill them from the front is even easier than Spartans. Most people aim at Chest level anyways, So why even change where your aiming? Their head drops to their chest.

I know right? I mean, I actually find it easier to kill the elites because of that fact. If people spent just a second more to adjust their aim instead of putting that effort into crying about how "unfair" it is, they would have a better experience.

But if they must complain, there are other playlists to complain about I suppose.

  • 05.02.2008 12:16 AM PDT

You sir, Have clearly been to the Jerk Store recently. Oh, and why reply to this thread to begin with hmm?


Posted by: SilverBullet222
Your just creating another thread to argue about it in. You think the people who really hate S.W.AT are going to change there minds just because you created a new thread about it? I think not.

  • 05.02.2008 12:18 AM PDT

Posted by: Revenant1988
Ok, so maybe it's just me now.

Maybe I'm the only one left who has played Halo:Combat Evolved campaign a million times, and Halo 2 campaign 1/2 a million times.

If you have never (god forbid) ever played ANY of the campaign, (1) Your missing out on a great story, and (2) it is IMO the best way to get skilled with the game, not MM.

I havn't played halo and halo 2 campaign that much, most people pick elites because it is a advantage :\

  • 05.02.2008 4:45 AM PDT

yes I am an Elite - wort wort wort

You just lost The Game

I have no problem killing either player model

  • 05.02.2008 5:05 AM PDT

Play Hard, Live Right and Die Well

I do much better with a Spartan. I have tried both and I die more with the elite.

I tried the look down and run away thing when getting shot from behind with a spartan and it works the same as with an elite.

There are times when it just seems you can't kill someone. Look the pic in my file share. It is from the first Team Swat double xp weekend. I shot this blue guy in the face. You can see it in the pic. Lukems is the red guy behind the blue guy and a stray bullet hit him in the body. Lukems died, the blue guy lived and went on to kill a couple of us and I get bagged with a bungie betrayal.

It happens with spartans and elites.

  • 05.02.2008 6:06 AM PDT

Omg thats funny a bungie betrayal. I hope that never puts you on the "......Can never has recon list"

I'm just glad to see there are others who don't really care about the difference as well. There are times of bull crap moments, but they are in every playlist.

How many times have any of YOU killed someone who honestly should of killed you, and you can just hear them going "AW BULL -blam!-!" lol

Posted by: minedpardread
I do much better with a Spartan. I have tried both and I die more with the elite.

I tried the look down and run away thing when getting shot from behind with a spartan and it works the same as with an elite.

There are times when it just seems you can't kill someone. Look the pic in my file share. It is from the first Team Swat double xp weekend. I shot this blue guy in the face. You can see it in the pic. Lukems is the red guy behind the blue guy and a stray bullet hit him in the body. Lukems died, the blue guy lived and went on to kill a couple of us and I get bagged with a bungie betrayal.

It happens with spartans and elites.

  • 05.02.2008 11:00 AM PDT

thius is very true. i love how theres alway someone posting like this saying"just do better" or quite whining. when 1, he is only an avarage player, so if anyone one he should know u cant just do better. and 2 hes not even good enough or hasent realised the obvious advantage of being an elite. i also like how he ends the post "The more of you that want to switch to elites for this "advantage" are just making me feel more nostalgic. " as if hes some Ace at swat and they are just making it funner for him. i got news for u buddy. its all right there in ur stats, and i got news for you. you ar ejust as good as the people that are complain about the mistakes in the playlist. so if u have a problem with people using the forums to try to impove on a game they love then maybe the forums are not for you.

  • 05.02.2008 11:37 AM PDT


Your missing my point.

I LOVE swat. True, I have only played a few games of it, and they are nothing spectacular, but I would like to point out, that there is always at least ONE person who quits.

In fact when one game started a guy on my team was like " oh god, elites on their team, sorry, I won't play" and he left......


I mean seriously, its a game, not life. Have fun!

I blame the blamers! lol.

  • 05.02.2008 12:41 PM PDT

no body has missed ur point. its just that ur point is pointless. what kind of reaction do u expect when u post a message that controdicts the numerus post that have already been created. people in the community have a problem with many of the aspects of team swat. its very prevelent when u look thru the forums. there are many more posts talking about the problems of swat. your solution to the problems are laughable. you say "just do better" or "just try harder". i could say the same thing to you. i bet u would like to get ur 45, well all you have to do is try harder and do better. you see what i mean? we both know that u aint gettn ur 45. so my solution of try harder doesent really help at all does it? much like ur post, it doesent help anyone and is pointless. you think ur gunna convence someone that elits dont have an advantage? absolutly not. so i cannot find any significance in ur post. you are just some guy ranting about how people are upset about a major balence issue involving team swat....word of advice.....give up

  • 05.02.2008 2:11 PM PDT

comming from a major grade 3, with 1300 games and 600 exp. hummm now who need practice?

"every single person who complains about elites is just looking for an excuse as to why they are losing. if you were better at halo, you wouldnt have a problem. its time for some practice children."

[Edited on 05.02.2008 2:14 PM PDT]

  • 05.02.2008 2:13 PM PDT

also playing campaign is not the best way to get good at matchmaking... thats just retarted...

  • 05.02.2008 2:25 PM PDT