
Living Dead Double XP Weekend!
Living Dead Double XP Weekend!
Posted by Shishka at 4/10/2008 1:45 PM PDT
Today at 2:00 pm pacific, Gamers everywhere will see the dead come to life. Zombies, the Halo 2 cult classic gametype made manifest as Infection in Halo 3, and will have all weekend to try and survive this weekend's double XP playlist "Living Dead." The Living Dead Double XP weekend lasts from today until Monday morning at 2:00 am PST.

Time to brush up on your shotgun skills, boys and girls. That Hell's Janitor medal awaits. Enjoy!

[UPDATE, 2:42pm] So, when I said "Double XP," I meant "Not Double XP." A technical issue has arisen and people are getting their standard 1 XP. We're aware of the issue and are looking at resolving it.

[UPDATE 2, 5:34pm] The problem has been identified, and a fix is on its way. However, it will take some time to fix. Expect to start getting double XP tomorrow morning. At least the actual weekend part of this playlist will be double XP, right?

[UPDATE THE FINAL, 1:48pm Friday] Issue resolved! You should see double XP for all games played after around 11am today and for the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately, we cannot reward extra XP for games played before we implemented the fix, but on the bright side, that's a great excuse to play twice as many games. Or something. Wait, does that make sense? Let me get my calculator...