World Drug Report - Global Illicit Drug Trends

In 1998, the General Assembly gave UNODC the mandate to publish "comprehensive and balanced information about the world drug problem, " in recognition of the importance of factual and objective information in international drug control.

Created in 1999, the publication "Global Illicit Drug Trends" provided comprehensive facts and figures on the situation with respect to the supply of and demand for illicit drugs. Based on data and estimates collected or prepared by Governments, UNODC and other international institutions, UNODC attempts to identify trends in the evolution of global illicit drug markets.

In 2004, UNODC introduced its first two volume edition of the World Drug Report, which merged the former Global Illicit Drug Trends publication and the World Drug Report. The consolidation of the two reports was designed to increase the breadth of analytical coverage, while maintaining the annual frequency of statistical output. The first volume covers market trends and provides in depth trend analysis, the second volume compiles detailed statistics on all of the drug markets. Together they provide one of the most complete pictures of the international drug problem available.