Ticket #2862 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 3 weeks ago

Last modified 2 weeks ago

MySQL 5 Updates so Reports Run

Reported by: jsteffan@beatport.com Assigned to: bobbysmith007
Priority: high Component: TimingAndEstimationPlugin
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.10


We have needed to make some changes to the trac0.10 branch to get management reports to run.
Attached is a patch that fixes the issues we have found.


reports.py.patch (3.7 kB) - added by jsteffan@beatport.com on 04/04/08 09:41:31.
SQL Updates by Julia Rhodes

Change History

04/04/08 09:41:31 changed by jsteffan@beatport.com

  • attachment reports.py.patch added.

SQL Updates by Julia Rhodes

04/09/08 09:42:47 changed by cshelton

This issue also seems to affect the trac0.11 branch. The patch mostly works, changing VARCHAR to CHAR, but there was one piece of the patch rejected:

$ more reports.py.rej 
*** 237,246 ****
      "sql": """
  SELECT __color__,  __style__,  ticket, summary, component ,version, severity,
   milestone, status, owner, Estimated_work, Total_work, billable
- --## ,created,  modified,         -- ## Dates are formatted
- --## _changetime,
- --## _reporter
  FROM (
--- 237,246 ----
      "sql": """
  SELECT __color__,  __style__,  ticket, summary, component ,version, severity,
   milestone, status, owner, Estimated_work, Total_work, billable
+ -- ## ,created,  modified,         -- ## Dates are formatted
+ -- ## _changetime,
+ -- ## _reporter
  FROM (

04/09/08 09:47:43 changed by jsteffan@beatport.com

Without the change to the format of the comments, this is an invalid MySQL5 statement.

Any valid comment syntax would be of value, the above patch was just a quick fix that was meant to be as non-disruptive as possible. Is the issue this breaks with other engines?

04/09/08 10:25:42 changed by bobbysmith007

Nice fix. That is lame that mysql requires whitespace there.

I will apply this next time i open this to work on it. Till then I will leave it open so others can find it.

04/16/08 13:16:46 changed by bobbysmith007

  • status changed from new to closed.
  • resolution set to fixed.

(In [3520]) closes #2862

version 0.5.6 update reports sql to be mysql 5 compatible

04/16/08 13:37:18 changed by bobbysmith007

(In [3521]) closes #2862 closes #2763

Fixed reports for mysql. Also made the plugin handle status names that contain an underscore.

version 0.6.5

Add/Change #2862 (MySQL 5 Updates so Reports Run)

Change Properties