
From Scp Wiki

Item # SCP-698

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-698 must be contained within a 10 foot glass cube which will be placed in a room with mirrored walls and a single powerful light directly above it. If the light is to ever go out a single maintenance person must enter the room while wearing full bodied silvered Haz-Mat suit and quickly cover the glass box in a silvered metallic tarp while they replace the bulb.

Description: SCP-698 is a small camera of undetermined make and model that appears to have been produced in the early 1960s. It has no way of holding film or producing the power that should be required for it's use. When SCP-698 is not pointed at a mirror or an image of itself once an hour it will take a picture by itself whether it is being handled or not, whatever object is the focus of this picture instantly disappears and can not be recovered in any known way, due to the camera having no compartment for film it is impossible to see what exactly the picture it takes looks like. SCP-698 was found in a small empty house outside of [DATA EXPUNGED] in rural Kansas sitting on a table pointed at a mirror, initial attempts to contain this item ended with 3 personnel lost.

Addendum: Due to the artifact being unreliable with the time it takes it's picture further testing and handling must be signed off by a clearance level 4 member before any non-maintenance persons enter the room.

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