Spreading Rumors

By Mr. Mafioso
Street Life Correspondent - Every Tuesday
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Learn how spreading rumors can help you advance
Over the past few months I’ve helped you develop a mean poker face, I’ve shown you how to utilize charm to get what you want and I’ve taught you how to intimidate your way to better results. Today, I’d like to offer another key skill to add to your toolbox: how to spread a nasty rumor.

Your social weaponry wouldn’t be complete without the ability to spread a devastating rumor. Whether you create one or accelerate its proliferation, spreading rumors is something that has the ability to make or break careers, destroy reputations and ultimately leave your adversary begging for mercy. Admittedly this is a rather low-handed way to get what you want, but in the world of business, where everyone knows there are no rules, it’s standard practice. Do you honestly think that most successful business tycoons get to the top by always telling the truth? Fuhgeddaboudit!

I have to stress the importance of one thing here: Once you start a rumor, you need to immediately remove yourself from the trail. You simply cannot be on-hand perpetuating the rumor or else it will become clear that you are the instigator (or at least trying to gain from it). So, here’s a 101 on spreading rumors: how to plant the bombs and reap the rewards from a safe distance. 

Use multiple platforms

Concentrate on a number of different platforms for your rumor dispersal, keeping in mind that word of mouth is not the only way to spread gossip. Strategically placed documents “accidentally” left in the photocopier, for example, make good catalysts for slander. So does casual innuendo like: “Looks like John and his secretary will be hammering the details of the contract again late tonight.” In other words, start spreading rumors without people realizing you’re spreading rumors.

Identify the “big mouths”

Every work environment has a person who is notorious for incessant gossip-mongering. Often these people can’t help themselves, so they can greatly help your cause. Once you’ve identified them, think of a way to get the information into their hands and then sit back and watch it spread like wildfire. Obviously you don’t want to approach this person directly, as they will also no doubt convey to others how they heard about the story, so you need to consider the social circles in which they move and go from there.

Utilize the “snowball effect”

Rumors have a life of their own, and they often mutate into something completely different from the original, which can be a truly amazing thing to watch. Don’t be surprised when one day at work you learn that one of your colleagues has been caught cheating on his wife, and then a few days later you find out that he’s having the affair with his 20-year-old paperboy! For this reason, you should keep the gossip simple and believable, and then count on the imagination of others to take care of the rest.

More tips on spreading rumors... Next >>
Article Suggested By: Johnny V., Queens, NY
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READER COMMENTS: ( 9 posts )
Thu, Mar.27th 2008
at 23:33:43 EST
Me says:
I honestly can't believe how you can expect all of us to even consider the remote possibility of this article being written by the same Mr. Mafioso that used to write for this magazine a while ago. I loved the articles and the way the previous Mr. Mafioso wrote about stuff that was important not only in the workplace, but also in your everyday life. Now, I'm not saying this isn't the same person... but he's either someone else... or Mr. Mafioso got his cojones cut off from underneath him.
Wed, Mar.26th 2008
at 01:11:47 EST
f u says:
this crap is so annoying. get rid of this schmuck and his useless articles!
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 23:11:19 EST
reader says:
what happened to this site?
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 21:04:58 EST
Rating: n/a
disgusted says:
this site just keeps getting more and more feminine
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 19:45:08 EST
Joe V says:
Clearly the comments come from guys who don't work in Corporate America.
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 19:02:20 EST
Assburger says:
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 16:09:07 EST
Jon says:
Retarded article. Nobody likes a tool telling gossip stories. I can't believe this made it past the editor (if there is one) onto this site. Save this crap for middle school girls...it doesn't belong on a "mens" site.
Tue, Mar.25th 2008
at 11:26:47 EST
reader says:
i agree
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