Week of February 25th, 2008
Fact No. 1156
The biggest Super Bowl ring size ever made is 25 -- double the size of an average adult male.
It won't be too surprising to learn that this ring was issued to Chicago Bears defensive tackle William "The Refrigerator" Perry, a member of the Chicago Bears when they beat the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XX. Perry, a fan favorite in Chicago during his nine years with the team, stood 6'2" (1.88 m) and tipped the scales at 382 lbs (173.4 kg).

By way of comparison, the ring size for the average adult male is around 11. And incidentally, a size 25 ring has an inside diameter of 1.3 inches (3.3 cm) -- about the same size at which most cock rings begin.
Fact No. 1157
Divers recovering TWA Flight 800 encountered water filled with glitter.
TWA flight 800 exploded over the Atlantic Ocean on July 17, 1996, en route from New York to Paris, killing all 230 aboard the airplane.

As teams began diving to the wreckage on the ocean floor, they found the water full of glitter -- specifically, magician's glitter, hundreds of pounds of it, which was bound for a Parisian circus. It wound up on virtually everything recovered from the site -- including plane parts and bodies -- making for a very surreal crash recovery scene.
Fact No. 1158
The Kola Superdeep Borehole features the deepest hole ever dug into the earth.
A project began by the Soviets in 1970, the Kola Superdeep Borehole was actually one hole that had a number of boreholes branching off from it. One branch, called SG-3, reached deeper than any other hole in history: 7.62 miles (12.262 km). The Soviets had intended on drilling down to 13.5 km but temperatures were substantially hotter than expected.

The project was in part inspired by Project Mohole, a 1957 U.S. effort to drill deep under the Pacific Ocean. Japan has undertaking a similar underwater project, called Chikyu Hakken.
Fact No. 1159
In 1939, Adolf Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Nobel Peace Prize nominations can't be made by just anyone, although the "right to submit proposals" for the prize is extended to a wide range of people, including government officials, members of international courts, university rectors, previous laureates, and members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Consequently a lot of people could claim to be "nominees," and one is Hitler, who was nominated by Erik Brandt, a member of the Swedish parliament. Brandt withdrew the nomination a few days later.
Fact No. 1160
At least one academic study has declared the prank of "cow-tipping" to be an urban myth.
A study conducted at the University of British Columbia challenged the physics of cow-tipping and concluded that, under virtually every circumstance, it's no more than a myth.

A chief reason for this is the fact that cows don't sleep standing up. Rather, they doze -- meaning they wake up easily, making the act of sneaking up on them and then managing to exert enough force to knock over an animal weighing over 1,000 lbs fast enough for it to fail to react at all extremely unlikely.

Ultimately, cow-tipping only exists in anecdotal form, and many consider the notion alone a potential example of cruelty to animals.
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