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John Foley
Tis the Season of Self Promotion
John Foley
April 8
Whether big or small, large or tine, the art of self-promotiion is in constant motion. You need to keep thinking of culinary spin to keep your ame,nd the name of ...
Pan Seared Breast of Chicken with Spring Favas, Cheeries & Fresh Morels
Kevin McKenzie
April 7
Spring has arrived, at least in my part of the globe as a result some of my favorite edibles are popping up, such as wild morel mushrooms,fava beans and even ...

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Industry Associations

Featured Association
Council of Independent Restaurants of America
Fine-dining restaurateurs. Represents the interest of independent operators; establishes a marketing program meeting the challenges of the national dinner-house restaurant chains.

Members: 750
Founded: 1998
Dues: individual, $150 annual.