Developing Your Employees

All companies want to recruit, hire, and retain great employees; so how does your company stand out from the pack? Learn innovative techniques to help employees develop their skills and grow with your company.

If You Build the Culture, Will They Come?
March 28, 2008, 8:05 AM
The more dynamic your company’s culture, the more likely your company will continue to grow and succeed.

Interviewing Tips for Bringing in the Best
March 26, 2008, 7:35 AM
"Having a bias toward action and taking the initiative means that a person will never become idle due to indecision." ...

Nurturing the Dream
March 24, 2008, 7:30 AM
"Finding a good business partner who will become fully vested in your company can be a long process that takes a lot of research and time, but can often make the difference between your company’s success or failure." ...

Do You Suffer from "Imposter Syndrome"?
March 20, 2008, 7:35 AM
"Men don’t seem to suffer from the “imposter syndrome”—or at least they are less likely to admit it when they do—even if they lack the experience or expertise that’s required for the job. In general, men are also more comfortable with self promotion and with certain aspects of office politics, especially competition." ...

Soft Skills Go to Class
March 19, 2008, 7:45 AM
he good news is that companies are finally starting to respect the value of soft skills and have made the link between soft skills and high performance.

Everyone Has People Skills, Right?
March 18, 2008, 11:30 AM
Another problem is semantics. How could anything described as soft be valued in the hard-charging, results-driven business world or impact the bottom line?

Finding Peace of Mind
March 12, 2008, 7:05 AM
A lot of things can go wrong with big events, but instead of telling me to stay out of the kitchen so to speak they're listening really well, offering up some real examples of why they understand, personalizing their responses by sharing their own experiences and hiding behind the phone in the event that they're rolling their eyes.

Did You Hear That?
March 11, 2008, 2:45 PM
According to some, the fact that people in the workplace don't listen is one of the most common complaints about workers and their supervisors.

Call the Mentoring Squad
March 07, 2008, 9:30 PM
Remember, anyone can be a mentor from the mail room clerk who might have a particular kind of intuition about people to the CEO you could run into one day as you're riding down the elevator (make sure you know what you would say if that ever happened—another blog post down the road, I promise).

Is the Economy Getting You Down?
March 06, 2008, 9:20 PM
The problem with despair is that it saps us of energy. But instead of denying its presence you can temporarily put it on hold.