Athena getting ready to write
(amphora from Nola).


Heinrich Füssli
Le Serment des Trois Suisses

Kunstmuseum, Zürich
List of Swiss texts: click here!

Foedus Pactum Anno Dei MCCXCI
Der Bundesbrief vom 1. August 1291
Ligia Perpetna digl Uost 1291
Pacte confédéral de 1291
Patto del 1 Agosto 1291
Dates of the last revisions of ATHENA's texts here!
Ferdinand Hodler
Wilhelm Tell
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Soleure

(1509 - 1564)

Calvin in 1557 (detail): anonymous copperplate, about 1600 - after the Rotterdam portrait (?).
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

See links to Calvin's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Merian, Porte de la Monnaie Cé qu'è lainô
(about 1603)

Matthäus Merian: Genève, in Topographia Helvetiae, Rhaetiae et Valesiae, 1642, after Claude Chastillon (end XVIth c.). Detail: The Porte de la Monnaie, where the Mère Royaume poured her hot soup on the ennemies.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

Tronchin Jean-Robert TRONCHIN
(1710 - 1792)

The public prosecutor Jean-Robert Tronchin, after a drawing by J.-E. Liotard.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

Discours sur la Justice.

Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU
(1712 - 1778)

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, by Angélique Briceau.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

Rousseau: texts and documents

Samuel de Constant Samuel de CONSTANT
(1729 - 1800)

Samuel de Constant, after an anonymous drawing (detail).
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

Le Mari sentimental

Madame de Charrière Madame de CHARRIERE
(1740 - 1805)

Lithograph published by E.-H. Gaullieur in Album de la Suisse romane (1848), after a copy of a portrait by Jean Joseph de Spinny (1759).

See links to Madame de Charrière's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Madame de Staël Madame de STAËL
(1766 - 1817)

Lithograph by J. Hébert, published in Album de la Suisse romane (coll. P.P.).

See links to Madame de Staël's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Benjamin Constant Benjamin CONSTANT
(1767 - 1830)

Detail, in Nos Anciens et leurs Oeuvres, 1916.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

See links to Benjamin Constant's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Sismondi Simonde de SISMONDI
(1773 - 1842)

Lithograph by Amélie Munier-Romilly.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

See links to Sismondi's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Keller Gottfried KELLER
(1819 - 1890)

Album National Suisse, 1888
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

See links to Keller's texts in the Swiss texts page.

Dunant, 1864 Henri DUNANT
(1828 - 1910)

Henri Dunant at the time of de Solferino (1864).
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.

Un Souvenir de Solférino

Coutance C. G. Geissler
Jean-Jacques Rousseau's house , rue de Coutance, Genève; end XVIIIth c. (detail)
The authorities decided to demolish the building in 1960 and replace it with a supermarket.
Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, coll. BPU.
The 4 Swiss national languages MAP

The Swiss National Anthem (text and music): Schweizer Landeshymne (Schweizerpsalm); Hymne national suisse (Cantique suisse); Inno nazionale svizzero (Salmo svizzero); Imni naziunal Svizer (Psalm svizzer).

Links with other books and literature SITES

Avec nos sincères remerciements à
Monsieur Michel Piller, Conservateur au Centre d'Iconographie genevoise,
pour son aide efficace dans la recherche de documents.

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