BNET - The go-to place for management

At BNET™ ( managers find practical, trusted resources for the business challenges they face every day, and effective techniques for moving their companies and their careers forward. BNET is for people who believe in the meaning of work, are committed to nurturing their own excellence, and know that contributing to the success of their company is the best way to make their personal ambitions come to life.

  • Reaches action-oriented business managers, leaders and influencers.
  • Provides marketers with a trusted platform to reach influential decision makers that are proactively engaged in management resources.
  • Offers marketers the opportunity to uniquely integrate messaging and content in an immersive business resource environment.
Audience Profile1
  • 65% management
  • 26% exec/senior management
  • Average annual non-tech budget influenced: $3.6 million
  • 66% male, 34% female
  • Average age: 41
  • Average HHI: $102,000
  • 97% college educated
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1CNET Networks Audience Profile Study, 2007


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