World of Warcraft/The Scarlet Monastery

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The Scarlet Monastery
World of Warcraft Instance Guide
Level Range: 29 to 45
Location: Tirisfal Glades

The Scarlet Monastery is a dungeon made up of four separate instances: The Graveyard, The Library, The Amory, and The Cathedral. These last two require the Scarlet Key, which can be found in the Library.



The entrance to the Scarlet Monastery is located in the northeast corner of Tirisfal Glades, deep in the heart of Horde territory. For Horde characters, the entrance is an easy walk (or ride) from the The Undercity. Alliance characters have a harder time getting there. Most choose to travel from Southshore, north to the Dalaran, swim Lordamere Lake, and then northeast to the instance, careful to stay far away from the Undercity guards. Some prefer to fly into Chillwind Point and travel through the Western Plaguelands, past the Bulwark and north to the instance. Although shorter, this route is more dangerous.

<<We should put a map here with the paths to SM highlighted>>


The Graveyard

This is the shortest and easiest of the four instances. Most of the mobs here are undead. The Horde quest Vorrel’s Revenge can be picked up here.

The Library

The western blue portal takes you to the Library. Inside you’ll find a hallway with a several types of Scarlet Crusade mobs. The key to sucessfuly running this instance, like elsewhere in the Scarlet Monastery, is controlling runners. All the humaniods in the Scarlet Monastery run when they are low on health. The mobs are densely packed and one runner can easily add three or four more. At the end of the hall is an arch leading into a courtyard. Here careful pulls are important. Clear the area, and at the south end of the courtyard, is a room ("3" on the map) containing Houndmaster Loksey.

The west arch of the courtyard leads to another hallway, with more followers of the Scarlet Crusade. At the end of this hall is the book “Beginnings of the Undead Threat” needed for the Horde quest Test of Lore.

Three more hallways follow. The second hallway ("5") contains the book for the Mythology of the Titans quest. It is on the floor the northwest corner. The book for the mage quest Rituals of Power is found in the north part of the last hallway. Arcanist Doan is in the final room ("8" on the map) at the end of the last hall. He has an area of effect attack and uses both silence and polymorph spells. In this room on the floor is a box containing the Scarlet Key, which gives you access to the Amory and Cathedral. The key is instant respawn, so all members of your party can get it.

The Armory

The Armory has several rooms of Scarlet followers. Most of these should be fairly familiar from the Library, except that they are slightly harder. In the final room of the Armory is Herod. He is a hard boss to defeat, but it’s one of the most fun fights in World of Warcraft. Herod has a high damage whirlwind attack. When he starts to spin, it’s best for everyone to get out of his way. Between these attacks however, it’s a fairly straightforward fight. Once Herod is dead a large group of his (non-elite) followers attack.

The Cathedral

When you enter the Cathedral, you’ll see a hallway filled with Scarlet Crusade followers. Past the hall is a garden with a pool in the center ("1" on the map). You don’t have to clear the entire garden, just clear enough to make a path to the pool and walk through that. You’ll have to take out several mobs to get up the stairs. Once you do, many parties choose to station themselves in the fountain ("2" on the map)and pull mobs to them. Once the upper section of the garden is clear, you can open the cathedral doors.

Inside of the cathedral are yet more Scarlet Crusade followers. Once these are clear, rest up because you’re about to face the last boss in the Scarlet Monastery. Scarlet Commander Mograine Once Morgaine is dead, High Inquisitor Whitemane comes out and attacks. Sometime during this fight, she will put your whole party to sleep (it can’t be resisted) and resurrects Morgaine. Because Whitemane does lots of damage, but has relatively few hitpoints, kill her first then move on to Morgaine.

In the northern part of the Cathedral ("4") there is often a chest on the floor.

On the right (northeast) side of the cathedral is a small room with a torch inside ("5" on the map). Activate the torch and a secret room opens, leading to High Inquisitor Fairbanks. Although you could skip him, he often drops good items.



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