World of Warcraft/The Botanica

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The Botanica
World of Warcraft Instance Guide
Level Range: 70 to 72
Location: Netherstorm

The Botanica is a popular instance not only for its loot, but also for the Sha'tar reputation you'll earn inside.

The nearest flightpath is Flightmaster Harapax in Cosmowrench, in southeastern Netherstorm.



Like all the Tempest Keep instances, accessing the Botanica requires a flying mount, or the Druid flight form. Should you die in the instance, you will respawn, alive, at the graveyard and have to fly back to the instance entrance. There is a weapon merchant goblin in cosmowrench who can repair equipment. If you die in the instance you may want to repair before returning. There is also a regent vendor.

The Botanica entrance is the northern most floating building in the Tempest Keep complex.


Image:World of Warcraft The Botanica Map.jpg

Almost all the the opponents in this instance are level 68 to 72 elites. Don't underestimate the random mobs in this instance or you'll find yourself standing in the graveyard.

The Botanica has many herbs that party members can gather. If more than one person in your party has herbalism, agree on some gathering rules before you enter the instance. This will save arguments inside the instance.

The first boss, Commander Sarannis, is a straightforward fight. The only real problem is the elite mobs near her.

Keep going and you'll encounter Greater Flayers. These flowers only pull in groups and do very high damage. They are elementals, so if you have a Warlock in your group they can be banished. You can also use whatever crowd control you have on the Elves that accompany them.

High Botanist Freywinn is a difficult boss. The fight proceeds normally at first, then he summons lashers and turns into a tree. That's right, Freywinn turns into a tree and heals the lashers as they attack you. The key to this boss is the fact that trees can't move. Run back a bit, outside Freywinn's healing range. You can now destroy the lashers. Once the lashers are dead, Freywinn turns back into an elf. At this time hit him with all the DPS you can. After about 30 seconds or so he'll turn back into a tree and the process will repeat. If you can keep the lashers out of Frey's healing range, and you can do enough damage to Freywinn when he's an elf, you'll win.

Thorngrin the Tender and the mobs around him. Click to enlarge.
Thorngrin the Tender and the mobs around him. Click to enlarge.

Thorngrin the Tender is another hard boss with a few tricks up his sleeve. For starters, he's surrounded by minions. If you pull them carefully you can get them in groups of four. You can clear all of them and fight Thorgrin alone. Thorgrin has an area effect shadow damage spell, so all but your melee attackers should stay well back. Unfortunately they won't be able to there for long: Thorngrin has the ability to teleport members of your party to a random location in the room. Once there, they are stunned for a few seconds, and take a huge amount of damage. If this happens to your tank, he or she will lose aggro. The transport spell combined with his area attack mean that your tank won't be the only one taking damage. The key to this fight is to keep a cool head. Know where to stand (out of Thorngrin's range, but in range of your party's healer), and take care of yourself if your party's tank or healer are out of the fight for a short time or if one of your party members is killed. Healers should be ready to move to any transported party member to heal them, while still keeping an eye on your tank. A second healer helps for this boss.

In the next room you'll encounter flesh beasts and gene splicers. Together they do a lot of damage. Be sure to avoid the pink clouds they emit; they do enough damage to kill you before you realize you're standing in one. At the end of the room are two Bloodwarder Protectors and a locked chest.

Laj can be a fairly straightforward fight, if you're organized. He's a giant plant (he looks like a lasher) and he doesn't move much. The only trick he has is his ability to spawn lashers. He usually one spawns one at a time, so the plan to defeat him is simple. Have your tank occupy Laj, and when the adds come, have an off-tank and your DPS party members dispatch it quickly. One thing to note is that people standing on the platform are often out of line of sight for casting purposes, so your casters and healers will need to fight on the platform too (but still out of melee range).

Once you've defeated Laj, turn around and look through the doorway. You'll see the next and final boss: Warp Splinter. To get to him you'll have to cross the glass bridge and deal with two large groups of Frayer Wildlings. Use heavy area effect spells and try not to fall off the bridge.

Warp Splinter has an area effect damage spell so, once again, all non-melee attackers should stand far away. This is harder than it sounds because the platform you're fighting on isn't much bigger than Splinter's damage radius. If you're the party tank maneuver Splinter to one edge of the platform so the rest of your party will have a place to stand.

Splinter has a lot of health, so it will take a while to whittle him down. More than anything this fight is about endurance. He also has adds that attack, and they don't de-spawn after Splinter is dead.

Keep going and you'll get to the Botanica back door. Oddly enough, this exits you out the front of the instance.



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