World of Warcraft/Karazhan

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Karazhan is a 10 person raid instance designed for level 70 characters.



Krarzhan is located in Deadwind Pass. For Alliance players the closest flightmaster is Darkshire. Horde players usually fly in to Stoneard.



Karazhan houses 11 encounters including 9 bosses, the chess game event, and the Opera Event (random of three possible encounters). Not every encounter is required, but to properly gear up it is recommended to complete the entire instance. The Curator is considered a gear check event for the rest of the instance.

The Livery Stable

Boss: Attument the Huntsman

Banquet Hall

Boss: Moroes

The Guest Quarters

Boss: Maiden of Virtue

Opera House

Boss: Opera Event

The Menagerie

Boss: The Curator

The Guardian's Library

Boss: Shade of Aran

Celestial Watch

Boss: Netherspite

The Repository

Boss: Terestian Illhoof

Gamesman's Hall

Boss: Chess Event


Boss: Prince Malchezaar

The Master's Terrace

Boss: Nightbane

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