Corrosive sublimate

From LoveToKnow 1911

CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, MERCURIC CHLORIDE, PER Chloride Of Mercury (HgC1 2), a white solid obtained by the action of chlorine on mercury or calomel, by the addition of hydrochloric acid to a hot, strong solution of mercurous nitrate, Hg 2 (NO 3) 2 +4HCl=2HgC12+2H 2 O+2NO 2j and, commercially, by heating a mixture of mercuric sulphate and common salt, the mercuric chloride subliming and being condensed in the form of small rhombic crystals. It melts at 288°, and boils at 303°; it is sparingly soluble in cold water, more so in hot; it is very soluble in alcohol and ether. It is soluble in hydrochloric acid forming compounds such as HgCl 2.2HC1, 3HgCl 2.4HC1, 2HgC1 2 HC1, according to the temperature and concentration; it also forms double salts with many chlorides; sal alembroth, 2NH4C1 HgCl2 H20, is the compound with ammonium chloride. It absorbs ammonia to form HgCl 2 NH 3j which may be distilled without decomposition. Various oxychlorides are formed by digesting corrosive sublimate with mercuric oxide. Corrosive sublimate has important applications in medicine - as an astringent, stimulant, caustic and antiseptic (see Mercury).

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