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Indigenous narratives


Twelve narratives about the origin of the world, the arrival of the whites and Brazil's 500 years:

:: Yanomami ("Dreams of the origins" and "Discovering the whites")
:: Sateré-Mawé ("Eve's brother", "The Emperor was an Indian" and "Urihe'i e Maripyaipok")
:: Tupinamba (“I simply say what I saw with my eyes”)
:: Kuikuro ("The appearance of the Caraíba")
:: Desana ("Our knowledge is not in the books!")
:: Zo'e ("Jipohan is someone like yourself")
:: Baré ("We were not Indians ")
:: Wapishana ("There were no whites here, nor in Georgetown")
:: Krenak ("The eternal return of the encounter ")
:: Narratives' presentation and analysis (by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro)

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