Grizzled Ancients

The oldest and crustiest of the Bungie crew, having been chained to their desks in the Bungie dungeons, slaving away since the days when video games weren't even in color. If you get too close, you can catch the faint odor of Depends, that quietly whispers "respect my authoritay'."

Jason Jones
Jason Jones

Nickname: Classified

Robt McLees
Robt McLees

Nickname: harangue-utan

Marcus Lehto
Marcus Lehto

Nickname: Classified

Dave Dunn
Dave Dunn


Charlie Gough
Charlie Gough

Nickname: Chucky

Shi Kai Wang
Shi Kai Wang

Nickname: Shiek

Paul Russel
Paul Russel

Nickname: Doctor Abominable

Jaime Griesemer
Jaime Griesemer

Nickname: Classified

Lorraine McLees
Lorraine McLees

Nickname: mehve

Ben Wallace
Ben Wallace

Nickname: Milo

Christopher Barrett
Christopher Barrett

Nickname: Barry

Chris Butcher
Chris Butcher

Nickname: Butcher

Paul Bertone Jr.
Paul Bertone Jr.

Nickname: bert

Marty O'Donnell
Marty O'Donnell

Nickname: Marty the Elder, Lance

Paul Clift
Paul Clift

Nickname: Gymnopædia

Curtis Creamer
Curtis Creamer

Nickname: Classified

Joseph Staten
Joseph Staten

Nickname: deckard

Michael Wu
Michael Wu

Nickname: Wu

Eamon McKenzie
Eamon McKenzie

Nickname: Classified

Dave Candland
Dave Candland

Nickname: Evil Otto

Zach Russell
Zach Russell

Nickname: Zach

Mat Noguchi
Mat Noguchi

Nickname: Gooch

Tom Gioconda
Tom Gioconda

Nickname: Achronos

Eric Arroyo
Eric Arroyo

Nickname: Buddyro

Harold Ryan
Harold Ryan

Nickname: Deripper

Tyson Green
Tyson Green

Nickname: Ferrex

Luke Timmins
Luke Timmins

Nickname: The Sausage King

Roger Wolfson
Roger Wolfson

Nickname: r : w )

Adrian Perez
Adrian Perez

Nickname: Cuban

Old Skool

Old Skool is so rad, it even gets to spell its name with a 'K' which as everyone knows, is pretty hip. Middle School has to use the plain old "ch." Old Skool Bungie guys have been here for a long time - since before Halo, and that makes them hardcore, as well as Old Skool. If you need to know why wearing Adidas and driving a Subaru Brat is cool - these are the guys to ask.

Jay Weinland
Jay Weinland

Nickname: Man Behind the Man

Christopher P. Carney
Christopher P. Carney

Nickname: Danger Boy

Bill O'Brien
Bill O'Brien

Nickname: Bill O'Brien

Damián Isla
Damián Isla

Nickname: Big D

Nathan Walpole
Nathan Walpole

Nickname: bentllama

Justin Hayward
Justin Hayward

Nickname: The Velvet Kabob

Brian Jarrard
Brian Jarrard

Nickname: Sketch

John Butkus
John Butkus

Nickname: Anim8rJB

Frank Capezzuto 3
Frank Capezzuto 3

Nickname: Quick Question

CJ Cowan
CJ Cowan

Nickname: stormincow

Michael Zak
Michael Zak

Nickname: Protégé

Travis Brady
Travis Brady

Nickname: travdogg

Luis Villegas
Luis Villegas

Nickname: Classified

Aaron Lieberman
Aaron Lieberman

Nickname: Lieb

Frank O'Connor
Frank O'Connor

Nickname: Frankie

Hao Chen
Hao Chen

Nickname: Hao

Steve Cotton
Steve Cotton

Nickname: Classified

Steve Scott
Steve Scott

Nickname: Scooter

Jamie Evans
Jamie Evans

Nickname: Classified

Tom Doyle
Tom Doyle

Nickname: cancel

Vic DeLeon
Vic DeLeon

Nickname: VJ

C Paul Johnson
C Paul Johnson

Nickname: Classified

Steve Lopez
Steve Lopez

Nickname: Classified

Jeremy Fones
Jeremy Fones

Nickname: Classified

Michael Williams
Michael Williams

Nickname: RocketMoose

Lee Wilson
Lee Wilson

Nickname: MR. LEE WILSON

Chris Tchou
Chris Tchou

Nickname: Fu Man

Joseph Tung
Joseph Tung

Nickname: New0001

Graham Bartlett
Graham Bartlett

Nickname: Hey, You!

Middle School

What can you say about Middle School that hasn't been said before? Everything! These men (and no women) of mystery carefully straddle the line between youth and experience - a delicate balancing act requiring vigor and agility, tempered with gravitas and responsibility! Actually, Middle School is the least attractive place to be, when you were a Newbie, you were excited and when you're Old School, well, that just sounds cool. Middle School - the purgatory of Bungie ranking.

Bob Glessner
Bob Glessner

Nickname: Jejor

Dan Miller
Dan Miller

Nickname: fooz

Allen Murray
Allen Murray

Nickname: Kuniklo

Isaac Hannaford
Isaac Hannaford

Nickname: Rhizus

Lars Bakken
Lars Bakken

Nickname: Thug

Domenic Koeplin
Domenic Koeplin

Nickname: dommer

David Hunt
David Hunt

Nickname: 1337 Rigger

Max Dyckhoff
Max Dyckhoff

Nickname: Classified

Niles Sankey
Niles Sankey

Nickname: Classified

Francois Boucher-Genesse
Francois Boucher-Genesse

Nickname: Classified

Drew Solomon
Drew Solomon

Nickname: Drew

Sean Shypula
Sean Shypula

Nickname: Lemur

Chris Gossett
Chris Gossett

Nickname: Gaw-set

Ken Taya
Ken Taya

Nickname: Kenfu

Sam Jones
Sam Jones

Nickname: Jonesy

Milton Cadogan
Milton Cadogan

Nickname: Mango

Josh Rodgers
Josh Rodgers

Nickname: Josh

Kurt Nellis
Kurt Nellis

Nickname: kdiddy13

Mike Buelterman
Mike Buelterman

Nickname: MikeyB

John Gronquist
John Gronquist

Nickname: Gronk

Matthew Burns
Matthew Burns

Nickname: Mr. Burns

Петар Котевски
Петар Котевски

Nickname: Classified


Though they may be a little wet behind the ears, the young and agile Newbies keep their crusty elders on their toes by barking playfully and leaping at their masters to beg for scraps. When they're not dominating in tests of physical prowess in the Summer Pentathlon, the Newbies are called upon to wipe the dribble from the mouths of the Grizzleds and make sure they take their meds on time. Or so it seems. In truth, the Newbies are a race of hyperintelligent megabeings who are simply taking advantage of their apparent youth and candor to lull the senile old giffers into a false sense of security. Soon, the universe will be crushed in a gauntlet of steel. A gauntlet worn without mercy, by the Newbies.

Jonathan Peedin
Jonathan Peedin

Nickname: Classified

David Cook
David Cook

Nickname: Classified

Arnold Ayala
Arnold Ayala

Nickname: Classified

Tim Williams
Tim Williams

Nickname: negabyte

Aaron LeMay
Aaron LeMay

Nickname: Jaganatha

Eric Elton
Eric Elton

Nickname: Classified

Steve Theodore
Steve Theodore

Nickname: Classified

James Haywood
James Haywood

Nickname: Mad Max

Jon Cable
Jon Cable

Nickname: Cable

Seth Gibson
Seth Gibson

Nickname: djT0mServ0

Jason Sussman
Jason Sussman

Nickname: Hobocrotch

Matt Richenburg
Matt Richenburg

Nickname: Master

Matt Bennier
Matt Bennier

Nickname: Classified


Nickname: Enemy Combatant

Mike Means
Mike Means

Nickname: Means

Roberta Browne
Roberta Browne

Nickname: Classified