How can you get on a buyer’s short list? What do buyers want their car to say about them? CNET Networks’ far-reaching study of buyer perceptions, desires and behaviors will give you the answers you need to fine-tune your marketing.
Email to request a personal presentation of the study.

Discover how influence works, where to find it, and how to use it

CNET Networks conducted an extensive study into the structure and dynamics of social networks. The research led to some surprising insights about who the influencers in our society really are, and the most effective ways to target them.

A Fresh Perspective on Influence: The Whiteboard Series

Ted Smith, Research Fellow for CNET Networks takes you through a whiteboard video series where he illustrates how to motivate and activate influence genuinely without violating trust in social networks.

Motivations for Influence: New Insights
Length: 02.52

Activating Influence: Who vs. Where
Length: 03.13

Creating the Influence: Avoiding the Backlash
Length: 02.28

Motivation of Influence

For more information on the influence study or other CNET Networks industry insights, please email

Being an influencer


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