

Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database
This database is compilation of the indicator variables used to analyze international river basins included in the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database. Included in this database are links to the International Freshwater Treaties Database, the International Water Events Database, and the Water Conflict and Cooperation Bibliography.

Bibliography of Water Conflict and Cooperation
A searchable database of publications concerning water conflict and cooperation, with a focus on international freshwater resources.

International Freshwater Treaties Database
A searchable database of summaries and/or the full text of more than 400 international, freshwater-related agreements, covering the years 1820 to 2002.

International Water Event Database
A searchable database documenting historical international water relations from 1948 to 1999.

U.S. Interstate Freshwater Compacts Database
A searchable database of 39 U.S. inter-state freshwater compacts.

Research Projects

Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements
An atlas of international freshwater agreements which contains an historical overview of international river basin management; a detailed listing of more than 300 international freshwater agreements; and a collection of thematic maps related to the agreements, their content, and the river basins they represent. Published in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Program of the United Nations (FAO).

Basins at Risk
The Basins at Risk project (BAR) addressed a series of overarching gaps in research on freshwater resources and international conflict by providing a quantitative, global scale exploration of the relationship between freshwater resources and conflict.

Case Studies of International Water Conflict Resolution
Negotiating notes and background material on 14 case-studies of water conflict resolution

Indigenous Water Conflict Resolution Methods
Assessments of indigenous methods of water conflict resolution mechanisms.

Spatial Projects

Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database
This database is compilation of the indicator variables used to analyze international river basins included in the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database. Included in this database are links to the International Freshwater Treaties Database, the International Water Events Database, and the Water Conflict and Cooperation Bibliography.

Digitized Inventory of Current and Historical International River Basins
A Geographic Information System (GIS) of international river basins and their riparian countries, for the years 1948-2000.

Basin Level Datasets for Oregon
This site contains an event database and a compilation of social, economic and hydrologic data for the state of Oregon from 1990-2004.


The Universities Partnership for Transboundary Waters
An international consortium of water expertise seeking to promote a global water governance culture that incorporates peace, environmental protection, and human security.

Projects in Progress

Indicator Variables
Biophysical, socioeconomic, and geopolitical data at the basin and/or country scale. Data are linked to the digitized inventory of international river basins. Also available is a list of data and sources with potential relevance to research on international freshwater resource issues.

Intra- and Inter-national Water Relations: Basins At Risk II
The Basins at Risk II project investigated the dynamics of water interactions across geographic scale and their relationship to international affairs in general. The research approach involved the creation of an analytical framework to assess possible linkages between intra- and inter-national water relations as well as between water and broader political events. The framework has been applied in three regional case studies involving the Middle East, South Asia and Southern Africa.

Influence of Hydrologic Variability and Extremes on Water Conflict and Cooperation in International River Basins
The study will develop river discharge- and precipitation-derived hydrologic parameters, which describe climatic variability, extreme events and changes over time as they are important to human perception. Using statistical methods, these parameters will be tested for their influence on the international relations among nations sharing international river basins. An analysis of the environmental and socio-economic conditions of basins for which certain parameters have a positive or negative influence will allow deduction of valuable information for water resources management planning and political action.


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