Support | Eurovision Song Contest News - 2008 Belgrade, Serbia 

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Do you want to support us, and give something back for everything we have done for you? There are several ways you can help us make this site even better. We not only appreciate your help, we also need it!

How you can support

There are several ways you can support us;

1. Donate

A personal note from Manaing Director Barry Viniker

As we are entering our sixth year online, I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission. Your daily independent Eurovision Song Contest website is facing new challenges, new opportunities and growth. To cover the costs of this growth, proper funding is essential.

Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who have created and managed this vast resource, we are now the leading independent Eurovision Song Contest on the web... and traffic growth continues! In order for to move forward, we need your help!

I am quite sure you are one of our frequent visitors and that you enjoy as much as you can. We would like to keep your favourite site free and therefor we kindly ask you to support us.

Please consider a donation to!

Warmest regards,

Barry Viniker
Managing Director Generous Friends: 26

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