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JavaBoutique : Tutorials :

Tutorials for everyone, from experienced programmers to the novice.

Add Object Caching Caching Using Spring, AOP, and Ehcache
AOP is a great way to cross-cut an application with caching functionality. Find out how to use it in conjunction with the Spring Framework and the open source Ehcache object cache library to give your application a clean and easy-to-understand caching solution.

Customize Your JSSE Key and Trust Material Managers
Although the JSSE API may seem too simple to handle your application's complex security requirements, this API allows you to customize its implementation to suit your needs. Starting with this simple client/server secure application, explore JSSE's implicit behavior and customization possibilities.

Improved XML Binding with JAXB 2.0
Find out how JAXB 2.0's new features facilitate the marshalling, unmarshalling, and mapping of your XML docs and Java objects.

Recipes for Cookie Management in J2SEs Tiger and Mustang
Learn the basics of cookie management: receiving, processing, creating, and sending—plus how to implement the abstract CookieHandler class in J2SE Tiger and J2SE Mustang.

Developing UML Diagrams for EJBs with Poseidon
The UML for EJB specification finally allows you to map your application from UML to EJBs. Learn how to use the Poseidon for UML modeling tool to leverage this new specification's functionality.

SortedSet and SortedMap Made Easier with Two New Mustang Interfaces
The new java.util package contains two new interfaces of this package: java.util.NavigableSet and java.util.NavigableMap. Both have been introduced to ease your suffering when working with SortedSet and SortedMap.

How Do Java's Lists Measure Up? Comparing Arrays, Lists, and Maps
Java offers several solutions for storing objects in an ordered list: arrays, Lists, and Maps—to mention the best known. But which one is the best for your application? This article analyzes the performance benefits and drawbacks of each solution with real-life, real-time examples.

Resistance is Futile: How to Make Your Java Objects Conform with the Adapter Pattern
Ever have a nice, useful piece of code, that you couldn't easily use in an existing application because of a mismatched interface? The Adapter design pattern helps you align interfaces so that code won't go to waste.

StAX and XSLT Transformations with J2SE 6.0 Mustang
The new StaX APIs make performing XSLT tranformations easier than ever. Find out how to use it.

Accessing a Database with the JSTL 1.1 SQL Tag Library
The JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) provides core tags for common structural tasks such as iteration and conditional processing, XML tags for XML processing, internationalization tags for formatting, and SQL tags for database processing. Learn how to use JSTL's SQL tags in a JSP app to retrieve data from a database and display it in a table.

An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA), Part 2
Most RMI applications are based on permanent remote objects, which works fine if you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of RMI or if you're developing simple RMI architectures. But RMI's real power is demonstrated in large, ROA-based architectures. Part 2 of this series discusses ROA more advanced application fundamentals.

Simplify List Screen Creation with AJAX
Tweaking list screens can be a time-consuming hassle. You probably use a homemade or open source framework to lighten the load. This article shows you how you can use AJAX to help you create quick, feature-rich list screens.

Manufacturing Java Objects with the Factory Method Design Pattern
You need to instantiate certain objects from a pool of related objects, but you won't know which ones until runtime. Find out how the factory method design pattern can help you write this code.

Managing Data with the ThreadLocal Class
While the ThreadLocal class has been around since the JDK 1.2, it's been overlooked because of its poor first imnplementaion. However, later releases have seen improvements, making this little known class worth a second look.

Data Validation with the Spring Framework
Most applications require data validation in some form or another. Did you know the Spring Framework offers excellent support for validation? Learn how to use Spring and AOP together to ensure consistent data validation on your applications.

Agile Development: An Expert Roundtable
At the last No Fluff, Just Stuff symposium in New York, Barry Burd asked three experts to explain Agile development. Here's what they had to say.

An Introduction to Remote Method Activation (ROA)
Most RMI applications are based on permanent remote objects, which works fine if you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of RMI or if you're developing simple RMI architectures. But RMI's real power is demonstrated in large, ROA-based architectures. Part 1 of this series discusses ROA application fundamentals.

Smoothing Out Graphics Functioning Wrinkles in Linux and Unix
The increase in the use of dynamic embedded graphics in Java applications causes an unexpected glitch in Linux and Unix systems. Find out how to solve this problem using a lot of ingenuity and a little elbow grease.

Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java, Part 2
Part 2 of this series shows you how to work with an existing Java protocol handler and how to create a new one—all using the server you created in Part 1.

Keeping Your Java Objects Informed with the Observer Design Pattern
Tightly coupling your Java objects can result in all sorts of headaches when you need extend your app. Find out how the Observer design pattern can help keep your classes ready to provide information to any new objects that may come along.

Processing: Open Source Language Brings You Closer to Web 2.0
With Web 2.0 forcing Web developers to focus on the end-user experience and creating immersive environments, Processing is a welcome addition to the playing field of tools enabling images, animation, and sound. Find out why this open source language/environment is giving the Java 3D API a run for its money.

Enterprise Logging for Distributed J2EE Applications
While few doubt the benefits SOA brings to the enterprise, many don't realize the many challenges it presents to developers—at every stage of an application's evolution. Find out how these developers solved the problem of consistent application logging in an application built using SOA on the J2EE platform.

Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) is an Eclipse plug-in reporting system for Web applications. It supports data access from databases, XML documents, EJBs, Web services, JavaBeans, and POJOs. Learn the ins and outs by generating a sample PDF report from a sample database.

All About the Singleton Design Pattern
Using the Singleton pattern allows you to have a class distribute the only instance of itself. This restricts instantiation of a class to one, which can be useful when you require exactly one object to coordinate actions across an application.

Generate a PDF Report from a Database with BIRT
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) is an Eclipse plug-in reporting system for Web applications. It supports data access from databases, XML documents, EJBs, Web services, JavaBeans, and POJOs. Learn the ins and outs by generating a sample PDF report from a sample database.

Parsing with StAX in JDK 6.0
Most developers parse their XML documents with the DOM or SAX APIs--one takes up too much memory, and the other uses the highly inefficient push parsing model. Find out how JDK 6.0's pull parsing-based Streaming API for XML is the most efficient method yet.

Book Excerpt: IntelliJ in Action
This authoritative guide to IntelliJ IDEA shows you how to use this IDE's powerful development features to their fullest advantage. This excerpt from Chapter putlines the basics with a simple "Hello World" program.

Creating Content and Protocol Handlers in Java
Did you know you can mimic the way your browser handles MIME types in your Java apps? Learn how by creating a Web client, server, and a dedicated viewer for a new image type.

Save Time with the Ultimate toString Method
Despite their performance and time-saving benefits, many developers don't take the time to include toString methods in their code. But coding toString methods doesn't have to be an ordeal! Find out how to make a generic toString method that can be used for any class.

Book Excerpt: AJAX Hacks
AJAX is one of the most important combinations of technologies for Web developers to know these days. This excerpt contains five AJAX hacks, dealing with request objects and XML data.

Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part 2
Rasters provide superior image control, allowing you to process entire images or only pieces of them and full pixel color control. Part II of this series explores how to create and convert rasters, as well as how to apply Java 2D filters.

Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
You've heard of JAXB, but have you heard of this open source data binding framework? Find out how to use it to transform your Java classes to XML and back to Java.

Java to XML and Back Again with Castor XML
You've heard of JAXB, but have you heard of this open source data binding framework? Find out how to use it to transform your Java classes to XML and back to Java.

Development Standards in Apache Struts
When you've got a team of developers working on an application, standardization is crucial. This article offers several pieces of advice to help improve development speed and the quality of your applications.

Book Excerpt: POJOs in Action
Learn why Plain Old Java Objects, or POJOs, are new, simpler, and faster ways to develop enterprise Java applications. This excerpt from Chapter 1 explains why.

Integrating Apache Axis with the Spring Framework
Apache Axis and the Spring Framework are becoming more and more popular as developers look for easy ways to make applications in decentralized, distributed environments exchange structured information. Find out What happens when you combine the two.

Avoid Excessive Subclassing with the Decorator Design Pattern
Ever have a fairly simple application become so complex over time that you found yourself dealing with class names like "AdminstrativeAssistantAndBloodDriveCanvasser"? Find out how proper use of the Decorator design pattern provides your apps with a more complex model without overcomplicating your coding.

Using Rasters for Image Processing, Part I
Rasters provide superior image control, allowing you to process entire images or only pieces of them and full pixel color control. Learn about the basics of rasters from a Java perspective in Part I of this series.

Run a Background Process in a Web Container Using Spring and ActiveMQ
Many developers use threads to run background apps in their Web containers. But threads don't work in J2EE. Find out how ActiveMQ uses JMS functionality to allow you run a background app without requiring the Web client to wait for it finish.

Six Steps to Faster J2EE Apps: Performance Tuning with JSP and Servlets
Can your J2EE application sustain a large number of client requests simultaneously? Or does it become sluggish, with painfully slow response times? Learn about six simple steps you can take to enhance your app's performance.

Use Standardization to Ensure Successful Java Application Development
One of the most important keys to building successful applications is to start with a solid technical foundation. Learn how to build that foundation, as well as save yourself time and headaches, by standardizing basic areas in application development.

Measuring the Complexity of OO Systems
Classes in OO systems can often become too complex—either they're too big, or one class has been embedded with way too much business logic. Learn how to use these metrics to determine whether or not you need to refactor your classes and improve your software design.

Wrap a Stateless Session EJB as a Web Service with Apache Axis
Get some hands-on Web services experience by learning how to wrap a session stateless EJB as a Web service and deploy it with Apache Axis.

Avoid the Lesser Known Pitfalls of Localizing Java Applications
Preparing a localized version of a Java desktop application is supposed to be an easy and well-documented task, but that's not always the case. Find out about the small problems involved that typically fall under the radar of most tutorials.

Use JBoss Cache to Cache and Share Data in Your Enterprise Applications
It's a well-known fact that caching helps improve enterprise applications' performance, but did you know it's useful for solving a wide range of other problems? Learn how to build sample software, run the code yourself, and think outside of the box when it comes to using caching in your own applications.

Automate Data Persistence with Firestorm/DAO
This Java code generator helps reduce your development time by automating the repetitive task of creating DAO objects and the associated helper classes required for data persistence. Find out how you can free yourself up to focus on business logic implementation.

Upload Files with Struts, Store Them with Hibernate
Every Web developer has had to implement a customer's file upload functionality in a project at least once. This article explains all the bottlenecks involved in this task and provides functional, easy code you can use in your own projects.

Make the Correct Data Classes in Your DAO Applications
Making the correct data classes in a DAO application—or in any application—is by no means trivial. Find out how you can simplify application development and maintenance with a well considered and properly documented design.

Coupling and Cohesion: The Two Cornerstones of OO Programming
Object-oriented programming has two main objectives: to build highly cohesive classes and to maintain loose coupling between those classes. Find out how to object-oriented metrics can help you determine whether you've achieved these goals.

The Java Speech API: A Primer on Speech Applications
Now that speech applications need to be integrated with Web-based applications, Java has become the language of choice in which to build them. Benoy Jose explains the basics of how speech applications work and how the Java Speech API can help you build applications that inter-operate with each other and with all Java-compatible platforms.

Inversion of Control: A Mechanism for Highly Flexible Applications
Find out how using the Inversion of Control method can help you loosely couple your application's interacting components for maximum flexiblity.

Add Logic to Your JSP Pages with the JSP Expression Language
Adding logic to JSP pages can be a real hassle. The new JSP Expression language simplifies this process by allowing you to separate HTML and style code from your presentation code, adding presentation logic.

Managing DAO Transactions in Java
The DAO design pattern can be used in Java main applications as well as servlet applications, and it can be implemented using Apache Struts. This article's focuses some of the more advanced situations a developer faces when using DAOs, starting with transactions.

Create an XML Web Application with Struts, Xerces, and Xalan
Unfortunately, it's not always obvious how best to use XML in a Web application—or whether you would use it at all. This article answers both questions while showing you how to build a simple, XML-oriented Web application.

Deliver Your Code with Confidence Using Test-driven Development
Test-driven development turns traditional software development processes around by promoting writing tests before writing the functional code. Find out what test-driven development is all about and how to effectively use it within a project.

Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 2
Swing may be ubiquitous, but it can also be far too complex for many simpler tasks. Luckily, there's a tool called Thinlet that simplifies GUI development by defining GUIs in XML files. Part 2 of this series explores some of Thinlet's more advanced features— like menus, dialogs, tabbed panes, and trees.

Add Rich Media Content to Your J2EE Apps with Enterprise Media Beans
Today's users demand animated images, interactive movies, high-quality sound videos, and much more from their application experience. Thankfully, the EMB specification proposes a simple, lightweight media framework you can use to integrate rich media content into your J2EE applications.

Building Easy Java GUIs with Thinlet, Part 1
Swing may be ubiquitous, but it can also be far too complex for many simpler tasks. Luckily, there's a tool called Thinlet that simplifies GUI development by defining GUIs in XML files. Part 1 of this series takes you through Thinlet's features, demonstrating why this is a very interesting and useful way to build a user interface.

Streamline Your JSP Management with Enhydra
JSP pages can be difficult to manage. They contain hundreds of HTML tags and stylesheets and when business logic is added, they become near-impossible to modify. Enhydra's application server solves this problem with an XML/DOM tree-based structure that's easy to manipulate and simple to maintain.

Plug-in to Reusability in Java
In this article, Keld will uncover the secrets of "Plug-in Architecture," where parameterized classes are the plug-ins. Learn how to define Interfaces for several important classes used in an application, and give the actual class names in a parameter file read by the application on start-up.

Service-oriented Architecture, Part 3
The first two parts of this series discussed the fundamental characteristics of Service-oriented architecture (SOA). You learned about the nature of SOA, its technology independence, and the concept of invokable interfaces. Concluding this series, Part 3 deals with Web services and examines how this technology fits in with Service-oriented architecture.

iText Document Generator: PDF Generation Made Easy
Finally, there's an application server that provides PDF document-generation support. This Java-based API can be used to simultaneously generate PDF, rich text, and HTML documents.

SAMS: Java.s API For Mobile Services
This new Java API provides SMS and MMS functionality while eliminating portability hassles. Find out how SAMS helps bring mobile development one step closer to "write once, deploy anywhere."

Plug-in to Reusability in Java
In this article Keld will uncover the secrets of "Plug-in Architecture," where parameterized classes are the plug-ins. We'll define Interfaces for several important classes used in an application, and then, we'll give the actual class names in a parameter file read by the application on start-up.

Service Oriented Architecture - Part 2
Part 2 of our series focuses more on the technical aspects of Service Oriented Architecture and we begin to put together a framework for implementing Service Oriented Architecture.

Service Oriented Architecture - Part 1
In the first part of this series, Samudra lays out the ground work for SOA and shows us how to identify potential Services.

Working with JDOM, XPath and XSLT
This month Keld will give some advice on which tools to use for a given task, and then go further into one of his absolute favorites, JDOM. We'll look at some of the more advanced features of JDOM, namely the use of XPath and XSLT with JDOM.

Metrics for Object Oriented Software Development
This month Samudra examines a couple of important object oriented metrics and shows how they can be adopted at design and development stages of a project.

Digesting XML documents
Need a simple solution for reading and parsing your favorite XML files? Well it's time to look at Digester from Jakarta Commons which allows you to extract the parts of the XML document you need, and puts few restrictions on the way you store your data in your program.

The Mysteries of Business Object - Part 2<
In this continuing series, Samudra will develop an example application and see how we can come up with Business Objects and different strategies related to the same.

The Spring Framework
Officially the spring season might be over but spring still seems to be lingering around and Benoy is spreading the word. The Spring Framework proposes a new paradigm, a pluggable, non- intrusive and robust framework.

The Mysteries of Business Objects - Part 1
This month Samudra covers the ground work of defining Business Objects. We will compare EJB and POJO strategies for implementing Business Objects, work out the business logic implementation problems, provide guidelines for how to make Business Objects available to the client applications and more.

Program Annotation Facility
Most Java programmers who have used the Java API reference are familiar with the @deprecated within the comments of a Java method. Some vendors and programmers have cleverly made use of these comments to include information that could be used by specific custom interpreters to do some routine tasks. Finally, the annotation facility is being included into the J2SE 1.5 tiger release.

Using DAOs in Apache Struts
Data Access Object (DAO) are one of the more popular designs patterns today and this month Keld explains how you can use DAOs effectively in your Struts designs.

Using FOP with Java - Graphics in FOP - Part 3
In this article, we will examine the graphics capability of the FOP solution and see how to use images with FOP from a local file resource and also from a non-file resource.

Unweaving a Tangled Web With HTMLParser and Lucene
Unweaving a Tangled Web With HTMLParser and Lucene Ever wanted to write a Java program that crawls the web, reads HTML-pages, retrieves the links, and gets the new pages with more links? Well, this month Keld shows you how.

Using FOP with Java - Part 2
Last month, we examined FOP and how to use it in context of producing formatted output in formats such as PDF, PostScript etc. This month Samudra will examine different issues regarding printing the documents produced with FOP.

Using Program Parameters in Java
Each of us, as Java programmers will encounter situations where choices must be made between various coding solutions. Should tabular data be sorted in one way or another? What exactly is the graphical layout of your HTML pages? How often should you poll a queue? To better understand what choices to make Keld discusses the various ways you may enter parameters to your Java programs.

Configuring the SQuirrel JDBC client for use with MySQL
SQuirrel is an SQL client written in Java that can greatly ease development efforts by permitting the developer to glance at a database�s contents without explicitly issuing query statements, and also view the contents of tables. This article describes step by step, the process of setting-up and using SQuirrel with MySQL.

Converting XML to JavaBeans with XMLBeans
Is your company looking for a new XML-to-JavaBeans conversion tool? The newest development from BEA touts the ability to handle any XML schema. Hype or fact, you decide?

Advanced Forms Handling in Struts 1.1
Struts has a rich set of HTML-tags for building form controls. Unfortunately it's often rather difficult to predict the exact syntax to use in a given situation. This month Keld explores some of the more common issues when using creating these forms with Struts.

Adding Spice to Struts - Part 2
This month, we explore some other ways of extending the DynaForms in Struts to model the inheritance relationship and delve into another interesting aspect of Struts by using multiple resource bundle files in a seamless manner.

A Brief Introduction to Struts � Expression Language
Having problems utilizing Struts - Expression Language? This week we take a look at the some of the tags used in this language and see if we can add some more usability upon this fantastic framework.

The Power of Three - Eclipse, Tomcat, and Struts
This month Keld examines how Eclipse, Tomcat, and Struts can be a powerful set of tools, which can really help you get your Java projects done in a very solid development environment and the best part is they are all free.

Adding Spice to Struts
Sometimes the basic framework isn't enough. This week we discuss using dynamic form beans in Struts and some of the problems that may have you scratching your head.

To Inherit or Compose�-That is the Question
Deciding which mechanism to utilize, Inheritance or Composition, is not a right or wrong answer. There are many things to consider. This month Samudra shows us some guidelines to keep in mind when deciding.

Handling Messages, Errors and Exceptions in Struts 1.1
Before you start coding a new Struts application it's important to decide how messages, errors and exception handling are to be implemented. This month Keld discusses the tools available in Struts

The Pitfalls of Inheritance
Inheritance is a commonly used mechanism to model the relationship between two types. This week we'll look at some of the pro's and con's to this often misused mechanism.

Using Mock Objects in Java
This week Keld shows us how using mock objects in unit testing can lead to a better, more understandable, more maintainable design.

Strictly Struts
Are you past the Struts Basics? This month Samudra covers some of the more common problems with form based web application development.

J2EE Activity Service for Extended Transactions
Today�s businesses are getting increasingly complex and sophisticated and their demands are increasing in a proportional manner. Benoy Jose shres this month with us how the "J2EE Activity service provides a middleware framework to support the implementation of extended transaction models.

StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing Part 2
In part 2 Keld will discuss The Cactus option and touch upon a couple of important features pertaining to the mock object option.

StrutsTestCase: The Tool for Struts Unit Testing
Part of every IT-project includes testing, and Struts projects are no different. This week we'll focus on testing if the execute method of the Action classes work properly and look at some of the tools that help us achieve our goal.

Trader Pattern for Invoking Services
The world of Java now suffers from the problem of plenty. There are so many ways that an application can be developed and deployed. We all know the decision-making factors, the pros and cons of any particular chosen method of deployment. However, the scalability aspect of an application can also be measured by how easily it can change the mode of deployment. This month Samudra will show us how a Trader pattern can help achieve flexible deployment options

Java Certification Path API
Certificate based security forms the basis for SSL (Secure socket layer) transactions? Every year billions of transactions involving trillions of dollars are done safely using the SSL protocol. This week we'll look at the role of the Java certification path API and see how it provides a mechanism to implement certification path functionality.

Stepping through the Struts 1.1 Validator
Jakarta Struts is becoming increasingly popular as the de-facto MVC framework for servlet applications. Currently we�re all waiting for version 1.1 to be finally released. But, until this happens there�s no reason not to use the 1.1 Release Candidate, which is considered to be very stable, and at the API level it can be assumed to be identical to the final release.

Creating an SQL-Java Gateway
This tutorial from "Murach's Java Servlets and JSP" shows how to create an application that can be used to execute any standard SQL statement against a database that's running on a server.

Using CASTOR for DB Access from STRUTS
Author Harshal Deo continues to shed light on STRUTS and some of the better ways to access your databse. In this article we will look at CASTOR JDO, a data access or Object to relational mapping framework and how it improves the data access code.

Converting XML documents to Java objects with Castor XML
If you're working with XML documents, and your focus is more on the contents of the documents, and not so much on the XML structure, then Castor XML may be what you're looking for. This month Keld Hansen focuses on the conversion capabilities of Casto XML.

Putting Design Principles to Test - Part 2
This month Samudra examines the package design. This simple example will help you grasp the concepts and will have you applying them in your own designs.

Cultivating your relationship with Castor-JDO
Keld continues to shed light on Castor-JDO. This month we look at how Castor, an open-source project, helps to keep our Java object model consistent.

Putting Design Principles to the Test(A Java based Case Study)
This month Samudra puts knowledge to work as we test the the design principles governing the class and package structures that have been discussed in this series.

Java Client Provisioning
Look into the future of Java Client Provisioning. The Java Community Proceess isn't quite done with this Java framework but with the surge in demand for mobile applications with interactive services the push is on.

Mapping Java Objects to a Database with Castor-JDO
Looking to be more productive? Who isn't? Keld introduces us to Castor-JDO, a tool that will enthrall you with its simplicity. If you have a simple data model, and are fonder of Java coding than SQL coding, then Castor can help you to be more productive.

Building a sample Web App with STRUTS Part 2
Time to get more involved with the STRUTS action class This month Harshal Deo will demonstrate database access from the STRUTS Action class.

Designing Packages for Stability
Are your designs stable? This month Samudra will focus on the change impact relationship involved in designing classes showing us how to take them into account when designing the package relationship.

Load Testing your Applications with Apache JMeter
This week Keld gives us a quick look into JMeter�s capabilities in the web application and web service area. This versatile open source gem is simple to use and great for performing load testing on your applications.

Package Design
Designing is probably the most important phase in the software development life cycle. In this series, Samudra will discuss the packaging of classes that are part of the system and will conclude this series with a small case study of the concepts discussed.

Java Management Extensions
Imagine a system that has pluggable modules included into it, that you could expand on as needed. Add to that the capability of integrating seamlessly with existing applications and leveraging on their power. All the ideas above and much more form the gist of what JMX or Java Management Extensions wishes to bring to the Java world.

Building a sample Web App with STRUTS
Harshal Deo is back demonstrating screen flow and action handling using STRUTS. He will use NetBeans to create the JSP aNDjava files, use tools such as auto generation of getters and setters and finally use the IDE to compile and test the application.

Digging deeper into Apache Axis
Keld Hansen takes us deeper into Apache Axis. Showing us some of the tools that make this a serious application.
The Java Game Development Tutorial
Fabian Birzele presents a very detailed introduction into the development of online games using Java.

Working with files and directories in Java (2)
Keld Hansen builds on last months tutorial, showing us this month how to make a nice graphical view of our files and directory listings.

Working with files and directories in Java
Java contains a lot of useful utility packages. One is java.util with its lists, maps, and calendar stuff--a lot to look into and use in your applications. Another package,, contains what you need for reading and writing files and handling data streams in general.

Making the Switch to Java
Graeme Kerry's tutorials are aimed at complete beginners to programming. Part 1 covers what you will need, a description of the main parts of the Java SDK, and walks you through, (what else),

Brush Up on Basics
What is the point of Java, who needs it and does it come in a bag or jar? Ben Black's motto is once you have learned the basics, you have conquered the language. Join Ben as he begins this series on Java basics.

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Smarter Endpoint Protection for 2008
UPDATED SQL Server 2005 Bug Alert: Data Loss in Merge Replication
Apply the New Vista APIs to Sidebar Gadgets, Part 2
To Iterate Is Human, to Range Is Divine
Microsoft to Acquire Norway's FAST for $1.2 Billion
Manipulate XML Content the Ximple Way
Excerpt: Oracle Business Intelligence Standard Edition One
Excerpt: Innovate Faster with Oracle Database 11g

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