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Code of Ethics

1. A writer cannot have a direct fiscal or creative interest in anything he or she writes about. A direct interest includes contributing content, getting paid by the publishers/creators of the thing reviewed, or being directly related to the publishers/creators.

For this purpose, "directly related" includes "boinking."

2. If a writer's editor has a direct interest in the subject, the writer should work with another editor. If Flak's editor in chief has an interest in the subject, it should not be reviewed.

3. In the case of reviewing things actually created/published by Flak staffers, an outside writer should be brought in to review the item, and the arrangement will be disclosed to the readers.

4. Flakmag will accept small free things like promo copies of books or albums. However, we will not accept junkets unless we are working on funny, satirical articles about how dumb junkets are.

5. Writers will not freelance for sites or publications they have reviewed until a reasonable period of time — hereby specified as 60 days — has gone by.

Writers or editors who violate this ethics code may be subject to penalties up to and including a condescending lecture.

— Flak staff, 2-5-01

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