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Auf dem Weg nach PERE LACHAISE

ROCK'N'ROLL CIRCUS (heute Whiskey a Gogo)

Angeblich DAS letzte Foto das man lebend von Jim Morrison geschossen hat.
Angeblich aufgenommen in der Nacht vom 02. auf den 03. Juli 1971 entweder im ALCATRAZ oder im ROCK'N'ROLL CIRCUS (heute Whiskey a Gogo).


Pamela gave her statement to Police Officer Jacques Manchez. Pam began gave her account from 3.40pm to after 6.40pm. Alain Ronay acted as translator.

1. Pamela Susan COURSON, born 22nd December 1946 at Weed, California. An unemployed American, living at 17 rue Beautreillis, Paris 4th.

2. I am Mr. MORRISON's girlfriend and have been living with him for five years.

3. Last March, I came to France with my friend. During a previous short stay I had found rented accommodation at the address 17 rue Beautreillis, third floor, right hand side. My boyfriend was a writer but mostly lived on a personal fortune.

4. Before living at rue Beautreillis, my boyfriend and I lived for three weeks at the Hôtel de Nice, rue de Beaux Arts, I think, and while we were there my friend was sick, he was complaining of difficulty in breathing and he also had coughing fits at night. I called a doctor to the hotel who prescribed pills for asthma but my friend didn't like to see doctors and never looked after himself seriously.
N.B. I cannot say precisely who the doctor was, and I didn't keep the prescription. During a previous stay in London, my friend had already experienced the same problems.

5. Last night I had dinner with my friend, I am not explaining myself properly, I didn't have dinner last night, my friend went out to a restaurant on his own, probably in the area. When my friend came back from the restaurant, we both went to the cinema to see the film Death Valley. The cinema is beside the Metro Station Le Pelletier, I think it is called Action Layfayette. We came back from the cinema around 1am, I did the dishes and my friend watched an amateur film from a projector. My friend looked in good health, he seemed very happy. However, I have to say, my friend never used to complain, it wasn't in his nature. We then listened to records; I should say that the record player is in the bedroom and we were both listening to the music lying on the bed. I think we went to sleep at 2:30am approximately, but I can't say exactly because the record player stops automatically.

6. N.B. No, we didn't have any sexual intercourse last night.

7. Round about 3:30am I think, because there was not a clock in the bedroom and I didn't notice the time, I was woken by the noise my friend was making with his breathing. His breathing was noisy and I thought he was choking. It was noisy....
I shook my friend, I slapped him a few times to wake him, I shook him and he woke up. I asked him what was wrong. I wanted to call a doctor. He got up, walked about in the bedroom and then told me he wanted to have a bath. He headed towards the bathroom and ran his bath. When he was in the bath he called to me and said that he felt sick and felt like vomiting. On my way I picked up an orange coloured bowl. He vomited food into the bowl I was holding, I think there was blood in it. I emptied the contents then my friend vomited into the container again, only blood this time and then a third time blood clots. Each time I emptied the bowl down the wash basin of the bathroom, then I washed the bowl. My friend then told me he felt strange but he said,
"I don't feel sick, don't call a doctor, I feel better. It's over!"
He told me to 'go to bed' and said that he was going to finish his bath and would join me in bed. At this time it appeared to me that my friend felt better because he had vomited and his colour had returned a bit. I went back to bed and I immediately fell asleep. I was reassured.

8. I don't know how long I slept. I awoke with a start and I saw that my friend wasn't lying next to me. I ran to the bathroom and saw that my friend was still in the bath, a little blood was running from his nostril. I shook my friend, thinking he would wake up. I thought he had fainted and was unconscious. I tried to get him out of the bath but I couldn't. Then I phoned up Mr. RONAY. He came with his girlfriend, Miss Agnes DEMY, and they called, I think, the Fire Brigade or the Police.

9. N.B. I live in the U.S.A. at the following address­ 8216 Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, California. My sister lives at the same address and normally I live at my sister's.

10. I am going to organize the funeral arrangements with Mr. RONAY's help.

11. Miss COURSON does not speak French so Mr. RONAY has been acting as an interpreter.


Hyacinth house

What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?
What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?
To please the lions in this day

I need a brand new friend who doesn't bother me
I need a brand new friend who doesn't trouble me
I need someone and who doesn't need me

I see the bathroom is clear
I think that somebody's near
I'm sure that someone is following me, oh yeah

Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?
Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts away?
It was the only card in the deck that I had left to play

And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend, the end

+++++ +++ +++++


of the Paris fire department, the first French official to see Morrison's body.

The report begins with an account of the scene as reported by Lieutenant Alain Raisson of the Paris fire brigade to the Police Criminal Investigations Department on July 3, 1971 at 2.30pm. This is followed by a transcript of his verbal report:

"This morning at 9.20am I went as commander of my unit to 17 rue Beautreillis, Paris 4th, the third floor, right hand side flat in answer to a report of 'asphyxiation'. When we reached the flat, the door was opened by young woman who could not speak French and who took us to the bathroom. In this room there was a man in the bath, completely naked and heavily built. His head was above the water, resting on the edge of the bath. the bath was full of water, slightly pink in colour and his right arm was resting on the side of the bath. the water was still lukewarm, as well as the body. Together with my men, I took the body out and laid it on the floor of the bedroom where I started giving heart massage but I immediately realised that the victim was dead and I had the body placed on the bed.
(N.B.: When I went into the bathroom, there was some water on the floor beside the bathand the dressing gown of the person who opened the door to us was wet.)
(N.B.: A little blood ran down from his right nostril when we laid the body on the floor.)
(signed) Manchez, Jacques,
(signed) Raisson, Alain.

Wir fanden einen leblosen Körper in der Wanne vor, dessen Kopf und rechter Unterarm auf dem Wannenrand ruhten. Es handelte sich um eine etwas korpulente männliche Gestalt. Ein getrockneter Blutstreifen zeigte sich aus dem linken Nasenloch. Der Mund zeigte ein ganz feines Lächeln. Kein verzerrtes Gesicht im Todeskampf.

Das Wasser in der Wanne hatte lauwarme Temperatur und war leicht rose eingefärbt, das von der Nasenblutung her stammen konnte.

Auf dem Weg zum Bad
(Originalbild aus der Wohnung)

Mit dem Feuerwehrhauptmann Alain Raisson, der seinerzeit als der erste nach dem Notruf aus dem Apartement eintraf, betreten wir "erstmalig" die Wohnung in der Rue Beautreillis No 17.
(Fotos sind Originale und zeigen DAS Apartment)

Tür zum Badezimmer
(Originalbild der Wohnung)

Die wohl berühmteste Wanne in Paris /
(Originalbild der Wohnung)

HIER starb Jim Morrison in der Version von Pamela Courson /
(Originalbild der Wohnung)

(Originalbild der Wohnung)

Das Rettungsteam mit Alain Raisson hoben den toten Morrison aus der Wanne und legten ihn auf dem Fußboden davor ab. Eingelleitete Wiederbelebungsversuzche blieben erfolglos.
(Originalbild der Wohnung)

Meine Leute und ich hoben den leblosen nackten Körper samt dem Bettlaken, auf den wir ihn gelegt hatten, auf und brachten ihn ins Schlafzimmer.

Auf dem Weg vom Badezimmer

durch den riesigen Korridor

Richtung Schlafzimmer.

Wir trugen den Körper

in das Zimmer

und legten ihn auf dem Bett ab.

Morrisons Freundin Courson, die drei Jahre später an einer Überdosis starb, erzählte der Polizei folgende Geschichte. Laut ihrer Version ging das Paar ins Kino, um sich den amerik. Spielfilm PURSUED aus dem Jahre 1947 mit Robert Mitchum und Teresa Wright anzusehen,

und danach Essen, anschließend hätten sie zu Hause Platten gehört und seien dann eingeschlafen. In der Nacht sei Morrison aufgewacht und habe sich krank gefühlt, deshalb sei er in eine heiße Wanne gestiegen. Dort habe sie ihn später tot vorgefunden.


So lautet die griechische Inschrift auf dem Grabstein, den seine Eltern George Stephen Morrison und Clara Clark Morrison 19 haben setzen lassen.

James Douglas Morrison

Sein Grab auf dem Pariser Friedhof Père Lachaise

© Foto by Jürgn Schuschke
Jim`s Grab ist weitläufig mit einer Absperrung umgeben.

© Foto by Jürgn Schuschke
Rick (Leadsänger der Bootleg DOORS) im stillen Gedenken an Jim

© Foto by Jürgn Schuschke
Wenn man will kann man alle Absperrungen überwinden

© Foto by Jürgn Schuschke
Mein Freund Jürgen Schuschke am Grab von Jim Morrison

© Foto by Jürgn Schuschke

Schaut euch den Film mal genau an.
Es sollen zwei Bilder enthalten sein, die noch nie veröffentlicht wurden.
Tip: Badewanne + Bett

Auf dem Grab war zwischenzeitlich eine Büste von Jim Morrison zu sehen, die jedoch wiederholt gestohlen wurde. 1991 wurde das Grab umgestaltet. Seit dieser Zeit ziert es ein massiver und schlichter Grabstein. Manchmal legen Fans in alter Tradition nicht nur Blumen, sondern auch Joints und Whiskeyflaschen dank dem Lied Alabama Song auf das Grab des Sängers; durch Graffiti wurden umliegende Grabmäler beschmiert. Die Besuchermassen haben mittlerweile etwas nachgelassen, trotz allem gehört es zu dem meist besuchtesten Grab auf dem Prominentenfriedhof. Auch gibt es kaum noch Graffiti: Jims Grab und die umliegenden Gräber wurden größtenteils gereinigt, sind abgesperrt und werden sogar teilweise von der Polizei bewacht.

Die griechische Inschrift auf Jim Morrisons Grabstein besagt: KATA TON DAIMONA EAYTOY. Eine mögliche Übersetzung bedeutet etwa „Zerstöre den Dämon in dir“ (engl. Burn your own demon) oder auch „Er schuf seine eigenen Dämonen“. Experten zweifeln allerdings, ob diese lange Zeit gängigen Übersetzungen tatsächlich richtig sind. In der griechischen Sprache sei das Wort 'daimona' mehr im Sinne von Geist zu verstehen und eine adäquatere Übersetzung demnach True to his own spirit (etwa Wahr nach seinem inneren Geist).

Oliver Stone verfilmte 1991 die Geschichte der Band unter dem Titel „The Doors“. Der Film basiert hauptsächlich auf dem Buch „No One Here Gets Out Alive“ von Jerry Hopkins, sowie aus Stones Interpretationen der Gedichte Morrisons, besonders der Gedichte auf „An American Prayer“. Der Film ist aber umstritten, er stellt teilweise die Doors und insbesondere Jim übertrieben dar. Ray Manzarek sagte nach der Premiere des Filmes, dass es ein guter Film sei, der eine amerikanische Rock-Band zeigt, niemals aber die Doors und schon gar nicht Jim Morrison. Der Film endet mit Aufnahmen des Grabs auf dem Pariser Friedhof Cimetière du Père Lachaise.

Morrison war nach Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix und Janis Joplin der letzte von vier großen Rock-Stars, die zwischen 1969 und 1971 mit 27 Jahren starben.

Das Testament von JIM MORRISON


I, James D. Morrison, being of sound mind and disposing body, memory and understanding, and after considerations of all persons, the object of my bounty and with full knowledge of the nature and extent of my assets, do hereby make, publish and declare my Last Will and Testament, as follows:

FIRST: I declare that I am a resident of Los Angeles County, California; that I am unmarried and have no children.
SECOND: I direct the payment of all debts and expenses of last illness.

THIRD: I do hereby devise and bequeath each and every thing of value of which I may die possessed, including real property, personal property and mixed properties to PAMELA S. COURSON of Los Angeles County.

In the event the said PAMELA S. COURSON should predecease me, or fail to survive for a period of three months following the date of my death, then and in such event, the devise and bequest to her shall fail and the same is devised and bequeathed instead to my brother, ANDREW MORRISON of Monterey, California, and to my sister, ANNE R. MORRISON of Coronado Beach, California, and to share and share alike; provided, however, further that in the event either of them should predecease me, then and in such event, the devise and bequest shall go to the other.

FOURTH: I do hereby appoint PAMELA S. COURSON and MAX FINK, jointly, Executors, or Executor and Executrix, as the case may be, of my estate, giving to said persons, and each of them, full power of appointment of substitution in their place and stead by their Last Will and Testament, or otherwise.

In the event said PAMELA S. COURSON shall survive me and be living at the time of her appointment, then in such event, bond is hereby waived.

I subscribe my name to this Will this 12 day of February, 1969, at Beverly Hills, California.

James D. Morrison

 "Wir können einfach sagen, daß ich die Grenzen der Realität untersuchte. Ich war neugierig, was sich da ereignen könnte. Und das ist alles: Schlicht Neugier."
Jim Morrison, L.A., 1969

Hinweis für die Besucher seines Grabes auf dem Pariser Friedhof


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