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Tuesday 4 December 2007 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Earth Your planet, your home

Angela Merkel with a VW Space Up concept car
Angela Merkel's image as the environmental conscience in global politics has this week taken a drubbing from activists who claim her energy policies are unrealistic and hypocritical.
Brad Pitt announces the plans for eco-homes
Brad Pitt wants to build 150 eco-friendly houses for families hit by Hurricane Katrina
Animal skin being burnt - Animal skins burnt by Kashmir authorities
Animal skins worth millions of pounds have been ceremonially burned in Kashmir.
Rebecca Hosking and David Tyson debate a plastic bag ban
Nick Squires - signing Kyoto will be the easy bit for Kevin Rudd
Charles Clover - Earthlog
Reduce carbon, grow business
How green is your home?
Greener Transport
Siberian tiger - the hunted ones
Siberian tiger populations were recovering. Now logging, poaching and a lack of interest from the Russian government threatens to decimate the big cats. Richard Grant went on anti-poaching patrol.
Britain has some of the oldest trees in Europe, but they need our help, says Clive Aslet.
Why spend a fortune on an old shed? Duff Hart-Davis on fowl deeds in the breeding world.
Antarctic research station Halley VI will be kind to its inhabitants. By Dominic Bradbury
Stephanie Boucher fears a rude awakening may follow the dream to own woodland.
White tailed sea eagle - Sea eagle is first to be shot since 1918
White-tailed sea eagle shot in Scotland by rogue estate.
Pressures of topi antelope's sex lives revealed in new study.
Common toad faces bleak future due to deadly fungal disease.
Eagle shot illegally by hunters recovers after operations.
The Pulse tracks what's hot in global coverage of green issues, displays the number of stories published in each area and ranks by percentage weekly change.