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Friday 7 December 2007 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Dustin Hoffman in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Dustin Hoffman on how his wife helped him overcome a mid-life crisis to revive his remarkable acting career in the film Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
Sarah Michelle Geller in Southland Tales
Tim Robey reviews Southland Tales, Silent Light and more.
God in Ruins
God in Ruins is an unexpectedly touching reworking of Dickens.
Amy Winehouse
The contenders include a Scottish miserabilist and an animated sheep.
Mark Wallinger's bear
Mark Wallinger, aka Dancing Bear, has won the Turner Prize.
Dawn French, Matt Lucas and David Walliams
This month's highlights include Dawn French, Catherine Tate, Robin Ince and more.
James Cauty - 'War is Over'
Ex KLF member James Cauty has made a series of stamps which question alarmist propaganda.
Brad Pitt in The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck on The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Jeff Wall - 'Dressing Poultry'
Photographer Jeff Wall has been known to spend two years on a picture. He talks to Alastair Sooke about his extraordinary images of mundane subjects.
Contrary to rumour, Dawn French isn't dying - she's better and busier than ever.
In her prize-winning third novel, Sarah Hall brings dystopia to Cumbria. She tells Helen Brown about her northern inspirations.
Dakota Blue Richards beat 10,000 rivals to win the role of Lyra in The Golden Compass. She talks to Will Lawrence.
As Madness prepare for a new tour, the masters of joyous English pop tell Thomas H Green why they fight shy of celebrity.
The Arts Column
Rupert Christiansen faces up to his music addiction.
On Music - piano keyboard
Ivan Hewett celebrates political incorrectness.
On radio
Gillian Reynolds at the BBC's food and farming awards.
Filmmakers on film
Kirsten Sheridan talks about Walter Salles's The Motorcycle Diaries.
"Ever since he played a beardy-weirdy psychopath in Kalifornia back in 1993 I've suspected that there's more to Brad Pitt than just a pretty face. And his latest performance proves it: the man can act."
Rebecca Davies
Arts Email
Ford Short Film Challenge