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Monday 19 November 2007 Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
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Digital Life sponsored by Oral-B
Three PCs
Gone are the days of the 'only in beige' PC. Today, there's more variety in the computing world, writes Rory Reid.
Mobile phone
Rick Maybury on how to set yourself up with the right OS.
Picture frame
A list of the hottest tech for your home and leisure requirements.
On Switch
A guide to the must-have kit that 'gamers' shouldn't be without.
Boilerplate the Victorian Robot
Apple has become mainstream, says Claudine Beaumont.
Format wars
Iain Gray remember the last format war involving VHS and Betamax - even if Sony doesn't.
You've got the computer, now you need the right program to release the artist in you. Rick Maybury chooses the best.
Rory Reid hacks his way through a jungle of broadband offers and emerges with useful information.
Apple Shopping bag
Most of us have an alter-ego waiting to burst out, and now it can - in the virtual worlds springing up on the internet, writes Ian Douglas.
Shane Richmonds sets out the guide lines to steer you through the minefield of 'social networking' sites.
Want to put the world to rights? It's getting easier by the day. Shane Richmond runs through the blogging basics.
"There is life in the violent landscape of Halo 3, and wherever there is life there is romance. Even the ultra-violent can love."
A post from 2020 (1): Shane Richmond
Ian Douglas