
Saturday December 1, 2007

Just say 'mo'

Walking down the street together, we're the sort of people I would cross the road to avoid, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday November 24, 2007

Liberty through language

When I was a teenager, my friends and I had a secret language, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday November 17, 2007

Campaign promises we'd like to see

So much money, so many promises, yet not one of the politicians seems to address the issues that really matter.

Saturday November 10, 2007

The useless gadget hall of fame

On the television they're advertising a battery-operated duster that twirls as it dusts. If the expression of the woman using it is any guide, it turns household dusting into an experience that is deeply orgasmic, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday November 3, 2007

Beware the home handyman

I worry about the government's expansion of technical education. True, it could solve the nation's skills crisis. But it could also create more men like me, says Richard Glover.

Saturday October 27, 2007

Tarzan of suburbia

The author Robert Bly celebrated masculinity in his book Iron John but where does that leave us who are more domesticated? We need our own book - Ironing John, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday October 20, 2007

Desire and green cure

With the help of the green movement you can now indulge in a frenzy of consumerism.

Saturday September 22, 2007

Mobile phones for pixies

Your new-generation mobile phone is packed with features you do not need and did not ask for, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday September 15, 2007

The return of the young prince

My older son sits opposite me at the breakfast table, arguing with me about politics.

Friday September 7, 2007

The case in favour of the threadbare

When reporting from Britain, I developed "the threadbare carpet index". The more threadbare the carpet, the posher the person.

Saturday September 1, 2007

Thirty truths for young dads

On Father's Day we should raise a special cheer for the nation's more recent dads.

Saturday August 25, 2007

Some rules worth preserving

Food dropped on the ground may be picked up and consumed - providing it has not been left on the ground more than five seconds, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday August 18, 2007

'I wonder what sort of rebellion finds its expression in a $3000 beige couch'

I've just come across an advertisement for a new couch, with the brand name "the Maverick". It's a perfectly ordinary looking couch, with a price tag of $3000 for a matching pair, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday August 11, 2007

Tears for the demise of the hanky

Society's germ phobia has a lot to answer for. The latest victim is the handkerchief.

Saturday August 4, 2007

In praise of cantankerous skinflints

When I was about 10 years old, they opened a Franklins supermarket in our suburb. The sense of excitement among the grown-ups was palpable, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday July 28, 2007

How to save energy and irritate

"WOMEN FEEL THE cold more than men. It's a biological fact." Jocasta is standing in the middle of the kitchen, first thing in the morning, giving me a glacial stare, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday July 21, 2007

Verbal dexterity of a senior Sydney QC

"ALL I'M ASKING is that you match me dollar for dollar, and even then your contribution would be considered a loan, which I would repay through household tasks," writes Richard Glover.

Saturday July 14, 2007

Tea-making consigned to the dustbin of history?

IN MY LOCAL supermarket, ordinary leaf tea has now been consigned to the very bottom shelf. You have to clamber onto your hands and knees to locate a packet, as if you're involved in the worship of some strange deity, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday July 7, 2007

The inner 20-year-old unleashed

Abandoned by my family for the school holidays, I'm living the life of a single man, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday June 30, 2007

Warning: you have been warned

All fattening food should feature a shot of Marlon Brando, as a warning to us all, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday June 23, 2007

The pace of change

Both leaders agree on one thing: we must all now hyperventilate about the pace of technological change, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday June 16, 2007

The dangerous allure of virile Spaniards

After 18 months of learning Spanish, Jocasta says it's crucial to test out her skills on some real live Spaniards, writes Richard Glover.

Saturday June 9, 2007

Sleeping like a teenager

By what cruel logic are children never in the same sleep routine as their parents?

Saturday June 2, 2007

The trials of an aspirational guy

AT THE VIDEO store, hope springs eternal. As I browse through the racks, I see myself as an intellectual, a man interested in the history of the cinema.

Saturday May 26, 2007

Instructions for your AussieSheila

Do not attempt to service your AussieSheila if she is still connected to a telephone line, writes Richard Glover.