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Here's a unique way to give a magazine gift: Giftscriptions, the wrappable, giftable magazine gift certificate. Choose from individual titles like People and Time, or give your recipient their choice of 50 magazines.

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Subscribe to Women's Health
When you sign up for two years to magazines like as Men's Health, GQ, Vogue, Prevention, The New Yorker, Women's Health and Popular Mechanics, you'll save more in the long run and won't have to worry about renewing until almost 2010! See all magazines with two-year terms.

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Great Deals on All You Magazine now has subscriptions to All You magazine, available for $19.97 for one year and $39.84 for two years - that’s just $1.66 an issue. Created by the publishers of People magazine, All You is for women who want a magazine that helps them take care of themselves, their families, their homes, and relationships--all at a great price.

$5 Off Today: Conde Nast Portfolio

Portfolio, the new business magazine from the publisher of The New Yorker and Vanity Fair, reports on global events and what they mean to your business. Subscribe and receive an instant $5 rebate--no code required.

The Instant Gift: Magazine Subscriptions

Give a Magazine Gift Today
Magazines make great gifts for everyone on your list, and you can let them know about your gift right away using our printable gift cards or e-cards. Learn more about giving a magazine subscription as a gift, or visit the Magazines Gift Store.

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Subscribe to Teen Vogue for $9.60
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