Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations: Problems and Solutions

A Sourcebook for Scientists and Engineers
ISBN13: 9780199212033ISBN10: 0199212031 Paperback, 600 pages
Aug 2007,  Not Yet Published due Aug 30 2007


$50.00 (06)


An ideal companion to the new 4th Edition of Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations by Jordan and Smith (OUP, 2007), this text contains over 500 problems and fully-worked solutions in nonlinear differential equations. With 272 figures and diagrams, subjects covered include phase diagrams in the plane, classification of equilibrium points, geometry of the phase plane, perturbation methods, forced oscillations, stability, Mathieu's equation, Liapunov methods, bifurcations and manifolds, homoclinic bifurcation, and Melnikov's method.

The problems are of variable difficulty; some are routine questions, others are longer and expand on concepts discussed in Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations 4th Edition, and in most cases can be adapted for coursework or self-study.

Both texts cover a wide variety of applications while keeping mathematical prequisites to a minimum making these an ideal resource for students and lecturers in engineering, mathematics and the sciences.

Product Details

600 pages; 272; ISBN13: 978-0-19-921203-3ISBN10: 0-19-921203-1
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