The Anti-Suit Injunction

ISBN13: 9780199287321ISBN10: 0199287325 hardback, 320 pages
Dec 2007,  Not Yet Published


$145.00 (07)


This book provides a comprehensive but concise analysis of all the relevant principles and case-law surrounding anti-suit injunctions. Particular emphasis is given to addressing the many practical problems that are likely to confront a practitioner applying for or resisting an anti-suit injunction in urgent circumstances. There are also chapters on related topics that frequently occur in anti-suit cases, such as the scope of exclusive jurisdiction clauses. The main focus of the book is English law, but it also contains chapters summarising the relevant law in other common law jurisdictions such as the USA, Canada and Australia. Recent significant developments in the law relating to anti-suit injunctions created by the decision of the ECJ in Turner v Grovit have left many questions open on the effects of this case in Europe. This book is the first major treatment of anti-suit injunctions and examines in detail those effects, and evaluates the case law as it has developed.

Product Details

320 pages; ISBN13: 978-0-19-928732-1ISBN10: 0-19-928732-5

About the Author(s)

Thomas Raphael is a barrister practising in commercial law at 20 Essex Street chambers. He has frequently been involved in anti-suit injunction cases.

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