International Law

ISBN13: 9780199268849ISBN10: 0199268843 Paperback, 328 pages

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This addition to the Clarendon Law Series provides students with a concise and analytical overview of what the 'law' means in an international context and an introduction to the main institutions and mechanisms of International Law.

Considering a number of issues relating to everyday life - whether we should have a planned or free-market economy, a president or a monarch, - it moves on to cover a number of underlying questions such as the extent of governments' rights to control people and activities; the scope of the State's territory and of its right to control the adjacent seas and airspace; and the limits on government that result from the rules on human rights and on the treatment of minorities and the position of people moving from one community to another, whether as migrants or refugees.

It covers all the main areas of International Law, such as International Economic Law, International Environmental Law, and the ways International Law deals with different types of armed conflict. It also concludes with a short chapter examining the prospects for International Law.

Product Details

328 pages; ISBN13: 978-0-19-926884-9ISBN10: 0-19-926884-3
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