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is South Africa’s leading business and financial weekly, delivering news, analysis and investigative reporting of the highest calibre to readers who are serious about managing their money and succeeding in business.

Presented in a style that is authoritative and engaging, yet easy to read, Finweek is an essential business tool for any time pressed business person who wants to stay ahead of their game.

Winner of the Sappi Pica Business Magazine of the Year (2004 & 2005), Finweek is also the only financial publication in both English & Afrikaans, reaching more readers in their home language than any other business publication in South Africa.

Advertisers will reach approximately 126,000 affluent, educated decision makers per week, men and women who are the driving force behind our nations’ economy.

Contact a Finweek sales executive today to discuss a package that suites your objectives.

To advertise:
Call: +27 11 322 0738 | +27 21 406 2364

* 2007 Rate Card
* Finweek reader profile
is South Africa’s most popular online source of business news, opinion and financial information, offering world class market data and interactive tools for business people, investors and anyone with an interest in the local and global economy.

Users are typically young, well educated, very affluent business men and women in South Africa, the majority of whom are decision makers and investors looking to keep abreast of the latest breaking news affecting their industries and investments.

Fin24 therefore are also able to offer a host of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to business related brands, some of which are: e-mail newsletters requested by users e.g. AM Update, Promotional mailers as well as Special Reports developed around major events e.g. Budget 2007.

Reach: (Source: Nielsen Netratings; 2nd Quarter 2007)
395,387 Unique Users p.m.
2.6 Million Page Impressions p.m.

Contact a Fin24 sales executive today to discuss how online advertising can benefit your company.

To advertise:
Call:+27 11 322 0738 | +27 21 406 2361

* 2007 Rate Card
* User Profile