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I LISTENED to the speeches at the Conservative Party Conference and the only proposal that I thought had virtue was to impose a levy on people who live in this country and avoid taxation.

It is truly amazing that we have had a Labour Government for ten years and the rich not only get big pay rises, but they also pay no taxation. At the same time ordinary working people on meagre incomes are not going to get increases in pay at the same level as inflation, but also have to pay tax avoided by the super rich.

The comedy of the Conservatives is that the beneficiaries of the levy on some of the rich is to increase the threshold for inheritance tax.

I am sure nobody in my acquaintance will benefit from such a transfer of funds.

The Conservatives want to get people off disability allowances and ignore the fact that many who do not work as a result of disability are idle through industrial accidents.

The Labour Government has been a great disappointment to those who have campaigned for Labour all their lives, but we saw at the Conservative Conference the same sort of people I have opposed all my life, who do not have an ounce of sympathy for those at the bottom of the pile.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.

9:25am Monday 8th October 2007

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Posted by: dolanp1, Newton Aycliffe on 10:19am Mon 8 Oct 07
Theres no difference between the parties these days just details, the workers will never have a decent wage under either as most voters can't tell the difference between New Labour/Conservatives and the Labour Party.
Posted by: Des More, Darlington on 10:52am Mon 8 Oct 07
Gordon Brown spoke of these policies in 1994 which just shows how incompetent he is as after 10 years he done nothing about his concerns.
I am sure that the 9 million people that will benefit from this will sympathise that me, Mr Bulmer and everybody he knows wont.
Posted by: Jim Tague, Bishop Auckland on 11:24am Mon 8 Oct 07
How long will it take before the likes of Mr Bulmer recognise that the Labour Party has never assisted the "working class". It is an illusion that the North East has swallowed for far too long.

We have people who are almost happy to be at the bottom of the pile for it gives them something to moan about.

Well, I'm sorry, I'd prefer the North East to be a bit further up the rung and the only way that will truly happen is when the area accepts that more public money thrown at the area and people is not the ultimate solution.

Greater amounts of private money and private investment will be the only way to balance an uneven economy.
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