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    Sony PSP

    User opinions

    for Sony PSP

    User rating
    out of 10
    "One SWEET gaming system, multimedia playback is a bonus"
    by icspeedracer (see profile) - March 31, 2005

    83 out of 91 people found this review helpful. (See all 7 comments).
    Jag dropping graphics for a handheld, beautiful screen, ITS EASY TO GET MP3s and photos on to the memory sticks IF YOU'RE NOT AN IDIOT, comming game line up looks great, and the power under the hood

    current cost of memory sticks, would have like to see sound be capable of going higher, needs higher capacity battery quick!

    Full user opinion
    The people on here saying the system if over hyped clearly don't know how to read the reviews because they note all the shortcommings. Yes THIS SYSTEM ISN'T PERFECT, NO SYSTEM IS. For a handheld gaming system, the PSP brings current generation home console graphics on the go. The fact that the current crop of games out now and to come out this year will only use 222mhz of the 333mhz CPU is simply amazing and provides much room for improvement in game quality, as if they needed to go much further. THERE IS NO COMPETITION TO THE PSP IN THE HANDHELD MARKET, yet. As for the multimedia capabilities, they are really extra bonus features. Yes sony doesn't make it super easy to put movies on the PSP, but it doesn't take that much effort and the programs on the web are free and do a good job. IT'S BEEN A WEEK...wait for the killer apps like GTA and GT4 mobile to be out, as well as EAs whole sports lineup and we'll see how the DS fanboys and PSP haters become so jealous they will scream about the lack of battery life (the really only major negative about the system FOR NOW)... when someone releases a higher capacity battery there will be nothing to complain about.

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    CNET editors' rating



    out of 10

    Reviewed by: David Carnoy

    Reviewed: 3/23/05 , Updated: 5/24/06
    Release date: 3/24/05
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