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  • Sony PSP

    Sony PSP

    User opinions

    for Sony PSP

    User rating
    out of 10
    "Oh what could have been..."
    by agoodfella (see profile) - March 23, 2005

    80 out of 114 people found this review helpful. (See all 34 comments).
    Sexy design, amazing screen, Wi-Fi, MP3 playback, video

    Proprietary this and proprietary that

    Full user opinion
    When will Sony learn?

    I just want to shake some sense into them. Hopefully the new CEO will actually LISTEN to the consumers (hopefully he is reading this).

    Sony could have run away with the MP3 market with its inherently strong brand name, unique designed products and comparative advantage in creating innovating, revolutionary user friendly mini devices (think Walkman the product that helped them build an empire).

    But now they are squarely in Apple's rear view and will likely stay there for the foreseeable future.

    Why? Simple.

    Proprietary software and hardware. Think ATRAC and memory sticks. Think Betamax.

    Now add UMD. Why oh why? It comes down to Sony's attempt to milk the golden cow. But it might be laying eggs instead. If you are going to pay through the nose for this machine you should expect a TRUE multimedia product. You should expect a hard drive. You should expect compatibility. You should expect the best.

    Will it be a kick-ass gaming machine? Of course it will. Could it have been a kick-ass multimedia iPod killer? Most certainly.

    Somewhere in California, the Apple execs are having a good laugh - at least those guys have learned from their own experience with Microsoft. You have to think big and give the customer the freedom to choose. They are the ones who will vote with either their dollars or their feet. Its that simple.

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    CNET editors' rating



    out of 10

    Reviewed by: David Carnoy

    Reviewed: 3/23/05 , Updated: 5/24/06
    Release date: 3/24/05
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