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Waste and recycling: a quick guide

Nearly two thirds of all household rubbish can be recycled, which saves energy and raw materials. You can also do even more by avoiding waste in the first place, or repairing and re-using items

1. Recycle

If you haven’t already started, find out how to recycle your waste.

2. Recycle more!

An average family can double or even treble the amount they recycle. Most councils run doorstep collections for paper, glass and plastics, and sometimes more recyclable materials. Local civic amenity sites can also accept many other materials for recycling – everything from wood, shoes, textiles and TVs, to electrical equipment, light bulbs and fridges/freezers.

3. Reduce waste

Recycling can help save materials and energy, but cutting down on waste in the first place is even better - for example, avoid excess packaging and unnecessary carrier bags, or buy products which you can use again instead of disposable items.

4. Re-use and repair

Repairing or re-using items means that they will last longer and won’t need replacing with new items so soon. Even when you have finished with something, someone else will often be able to use it – why not sell it, give it to charity or pass it on via sharing schemes like Freecycle or Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS)?

5. Compost your garden and kitchen waste

More than a third of household rubbish is organic, including garden and kitchen waste. If sent to landfill, organic waste produces methane which has strong climate change effects. If it is composted then these climate change impacts can be avoided and valuable space in landfill sites will be saved.

6. Safely and responsibly dispose of hazardous waste items

Some items contain hazardous materials and need to be carefully disposed of to avoid environmental problems like water pollution. For example, paint, batteries, electrical equipment and oil need to be disposed of at a proper facility.

7. Buy recycled products

Products made from recycled goods save raw materials and complete the circle by increasing demand for recycled materials. As well as paper products, you can buy recycled household and fashion items such as shoulder bags, plastic trays, pencil cases and aluminium foil.

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