Bill O'Reilly: Propaganda Pimp
Bill O'Reilly is man that cannot say the word "left" without appending modifiers like "far," "ultra," "committed," or "looney." He is a man who is convinced that every critic is a "smear merchant." And his opponents are never merely disagreeing with him, they are "vile."

In a roomful of egomaniacal bloviating pundits, Bill O'Reilly would stand out as a towering infernal display of delusional demagoguery. Click here for more, including the results of an Indiana University study that certifies O'Reilly as a bile spewing propagandist.

News Corpse is considering making posters like this available if there is sufficient interest. Also, stickers with the slogan
"Harmful If Swallowed"
that could be placed on TVs, newspaper vending machines, etc. Please feel free to contact News Corpse if you're interested and if you have any other custom graphic design needs (email at bottom of page).

Visit the News Corpse Playground to see the latest Flash movies, cartoons, artwork and more. It's a veritable cornucopia of wonder, including the notorious Stalking Points Memos.

Please help to support News Corpse by shopping at Crass Commerce. I have T-shirts, note cards, magnets, and more. And the notorious George W. Bush Voodoo Doll. It's better than asking for donations, don't you think?

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