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The Environmental Engine


By Robert A. Patterson


© Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved

Advances In Windmill Design


Historical Edification


For thousands of years the power of the wind has been utilized, as a source of mechanical energy.  Babylonians constructed windmills for irrigation as early as 1700 BC.  Likewise, among the earliest known recorded uses of wind power is a 5,000-year-old drawing of an Egyptian river craft with a sail crossing the Nile.  The first sail-type vertical axis windmill known as the “panemone” appeared in Persia between 500-900 A.D these ancient windmills were employed as automated grain milling and water pumping systems. 


Did you know that more than 6.5 million windmills were sold in the US between 1880 and 1935?  They were used as water pumps, grain mills and to power saws to cut lumber.  By 1900 they were being used to generate direct electrical current.  Inexpensively priced electricity was introduced in the 1940’s and most of the wind powered electrical generating systems that were located in rural areas were considered obsolete and fell into disrepair and eventually into disuse.


Schauberger’s Implosive Bio-Turbine Generator


Thus far the technology of man has only partially recognized the significance of Nature’s Opposing Polarities, for it has been established that technology in its various forms comprising experimental and practical attempts to produce useful energy predominantly utilize explosive pressure forces thereby making use of direct conversion of heat from combustibles to produce only the explosive force which is then converted into useful work despite the fact that this type of energy conversion technology consumes (depletes) its own environmental resources ultimately resulting in environmental contamination.


Ever wonder what common household device is most like Schauberger’s Bio-turbine design?



Pull vs. Push?


No, Pull and Push should be integrated such that they work together! 



Teaching that there exists entropy only in relation to natural phenomena is an error of classical physics.  Likewise it is incorrect to apply Occam’s Razor (simple answer is most likely the correct answer) to a single or one-sided energy concept.  What this means is, if you take the road that appears to be the easiest you’ll end up building a half-backed machine that is incapable of doing anything more than just charging a few batteries.  The windmill must evolve into a multiple staged device functioning between and revolving around the explosive and the implosive forces simultaneously.


The main cycle of an Implosion Motor


The fuel or medium is first compressed centripetally (not centrifugally or hydraulically) through twisted, and indented pipes, then released through specially designed nozzles to mechanically react on a toothed ring (now we are using centrifugal expansion or push action). Implosion apparatus allow for the "complete cycle" of a liquid or gas medium to "oscillate" or cycle atomically and molecularly from one state of potency into its opposite polarity, within it's natural metabolic range, without being destroyed.  During "the change of potential" work is performed by the fuel.


This is the way Nature does it!



Mid to Late 70’s



Wind-turbines of the mid-70’s are designed somewhat in opposition to Schauberger’s Bio-turbine, which hydraulically lowers the vortex across the turbine blades vs. lifting the air up and across the turbine, resulting in a loss of energy.


Isn’t this concept making use of heat energy rising to spin the turbine? 


Yes, however Schauberger’s turbine makes use of cold energy hydraulically (dropping or falling) and/or IMPLODING to spin the turbine! 


The latter makes use of expansion forces only whereas Implosion makes use of both forces with just the correct timing and is capable of exciting the system into Overunity, similar in function to a turbocharger in your car. 



Modern Rotor Design


Many areas of the world are home to large wind-energy farms.  Modern electricity-generating windmills are called Wind Turbines.  The simplest forms of Wind Turbine consist of the tower, blades, and generator although if electricity is to be stored, batteries are a necessity. 

A great deal of rotor design research has been accumulated e.g. rotor aerodynamic considerations including whether the turbine will be upwind or downwind the number, size and shape of the blades, the load e.g. the forces acting on the rotor in high wind.


 Mid to Late 90’s Ducted Fan-mills Emerge from Experimentation conducted during the 1960’s



What is that strange canard looking flair on the back of ducted fan windmill designs?



Environmental Engine Analog 



The environment is to the exhaust system of the combustion engine what the sun is to the atmosphere.




Want answers to this and more perplexing one-sided energy concepts?   


Want to know why our technology is so inefficient and a plausible fix? 


Would you believe me if I told you that the answer to our energy needs requires only that we make a very simple modification to our current wind-energy and other electricity generating power plants? 



Join the coming revolution of change today!


Order your copy of The Environmental Engine on CD today and learn what I discovered has been omitted from our modern day electricity generating power plants and ways we can fix the problem within our own designs thereby diminishing or dependency on fossil fuels to sustain ourselves as well as our society and help prevent  future generations from making these same mistakes concerning energy generating power plant technology.

Admittance into discussion group with each order!

CD for PC’s with Windows only


Windmill Blade Considerations 


Metal automotive fan-blade and clutch windmills?




Windmills cannot operate at 100% or more efficiency because they are designed around an incomplete single staged explosive exhaust energy concept.



Additional Sources, References and Recommended Reading



Implosion The Secret of Viktor Schauberger


Viktor Schauberger and his discoveries by Leopold Brandstatter


BSRF Research Files http://www.borderlands.com/


V. Schauberger http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/news_e.html



New Energies Foundation Implosion Workshop Applied Vortex Mechanics

By William Baumgartiner


Vortex Technology V1-VOR 220-VOR 15 Articles concerning vortex science http://www.rexresearch.com/ Rex Research




Thank You,


Robert A. Patterson



Patent Pending

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