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  Citation: China Species Information Service ( CSIS )
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Information of nature reserve
Name of nature reserve:Jianglianghejizhoubiandiquheijinghe
Brief Introduction: Time: 1993 address:Linzhou,dazi,langkazi,nanmulin,rkaze,lazi county,Xizhang Longitude is 78°40'-98°20' degrees east, latitude is 28°06'-33°40' degrees north Personnel: 60 scientists and technicians, 35 administrators , 48 workers Charge source: 10 thousand Yuan/ year allocated by Municipality Ministry of Finance. 其他:面积628410公顷,保护黑颈鹤及其越冬栖息地
Ecotourism information:View and species for appreciation: black-necked crane(Grus nigricollis ), bar-headed duck, gadwall(Anas strepera )
Further Development:Build the most world-famous black-necked crane nature reserve mainly protecting black-necked crane and its habitat, to make 80% of the black-necked cranes in the world be effectively protected, and make this species of rare birds be restored and developed. By strictly protecting the chief habitat wetland and other highly cold wetland in the reserve, restore the degenerating Tibeten highly cold wetland ecosystem, increase the number of the biological species in wetland, restore the original richness of the species, to constantly provide biological species with complete species and rich numbers and biological genetic gene resources for the sustainable development of the social economy of Tibet Autonomous Region. Overall protect wetland ecosystem in the reserve to bring all beneficial functions of Tibeten highly cold wetland ecosystem into good play, especially the adjusting function for the surrounding climate and environment, which is of importance for the sustainable development of agricultural, breeding production and gradual increase of the quality of people's lives. Promote the healthy development of ecological travel in the reserve, to stimulate the development of local social economy.
Locality: 日喀则市
Size of nature reserve:6284.10 Sq.Km
Altitude:0—0 meter
Reason to establish:
Protection focus:
Establish year:1993
Category of nature reserve:国家级
IUCN Category of protected area:
Charge agency:林业
Following species recorded in nature reserve : Mammalia | Avia | Reptilia | Amphibia |

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