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The Campaign

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- Chaos Space Marines
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar
- Imperial Guard
- Necrons
- Orks
- Space Marines
- Tau
- Tyranids

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Week 8 Report

The Medusa V expedition is at an end. We cannot stay here a moment longer and Air caste ships traverse the length and breadth of this world to recover our personnel. Though we Tau are a race of restraint and decorum, it appears that the proximity of the celestial anomaly affects even the most dignified of our people. Incidents of disciplinary infractions are at an all time high but even though it has been a long and brutal campaign, Fire Warrior Command will not suffer such a breakdown in discipline. The sooner we are away from this planet the better.

We leave the Gue’la to fight over buildings and territory, knowing that the work we undertake here is much more important. With such information at our fingertips, what can we not achieve? Our conquering of the furthest stars will be the first stage of the Fourth Sphere Expansion and the glory of the Tau Empire will be assured. As our forces regroup in preparation for withdrawal, it is with some trepidation that I record the difficulties some of our pilots are having with their aircraft and their navigational arrays. Though they do not say as much, senior Air caste members seem to harbour suspicions that we may have left our departure too late and that we will be unable to escape the terrible storm that wracks this planet…

The bravery of the Fire caste must not falter in the following warzones:


Every warrior is a vital part of achieving our goal!

Though the fighting goes ill in the following warzones, it must be remembered that the pendulum of war swings both ways.


Our forces have fully evacuated the southern slopes of the Charybdis Crest in Edethor. Other units have largely withdrawn north-east across the Edafos to Manta Muster Points ready for lift off this doomed planet. Whatever data the Edethor Array has gathered, and whatever secrets the Shrine of the Omnissiah has revealed, it will surely aid The Greater Good in the years to come…

Evacuation plans in Hydra continue despite treacherous Gu’ela attacks on our transports. Evacuation of enlightened refugees willing to join the Greater Good continues even as some are violently confronted by their former protectors for “betraying their Emperor.” Madness - as if a corpse can lead the living!

Sadly our operation to secure warp navigators or manipulators for later study has not fully succeeded; Earth Caste facilities were raided and several of the “Bonesingers” were removed by the elder race. We were able to retain others though including several Gu’ela “navigators” though as part of our Insight Operation, and their knowledge will be added to our own.

Honour is yours in victory or defeat, let not these travails dishearten your warriors!

Unit Citations

To honour the great service done in the name of the Greater Good, the following Cadres have brought the opening of the Fourth Expansion closer, and these Commanders have been hailed as Servants of the Empire.

Tisiphone: Shas'O'Carr'Phjs'Su'Nan of ScarLeg's Wraiths
Euryales: Shas'o M'yen Shi of the 2do Contingente de Reconocimiento de Sa'cea
Armida: Commandeur Sprywill Kegil of the Groupe de Chasse Kegil

The sacrifices made by the Fire Warriors of these forces have been exemplary in their devotion to Greater Good. Thus, the following Commanders have been rewarded with the Silver Knife.

Hydra: O'shivre of Research Security Force 1
Tisiphone: Shas'o Hue'lam of O'res Ukos
Telosia: Aun'O Eryk of the 3rd Auxiliary


Fireblade’s escape

Even as the Tau forces evacuate Medusa V, a lone transmission manages to penetrate the waves of interference generated by the celestial phenomenon. It appears that the battered and bloodied forces of Commander Fireblade have managed to effect their escape from the ruins of Sybilla Secundus! How such a formidable feat of arms and daring was possible will need to await his return, but even as he approaches, another stray signal is detected on an intercept course – that of the Ork aircraft that escaped from the Charybdis Crest facility…

Week 8 Tau Campaign Results

Each week, the Medusa V campaign results will be tallied, and each faction will be ranked from first to ninth for that week's performance. Each faction's weekly rank is based on the battles you have fought. The better you do in your battles, the better your faction's ranking will be each week.

Week 8 Tau Battlezone Standings
Battlezone Standing
Armida 7th
Articus 9th
Edethor 9th
Euryales 7th
Hydra 9th
Perseus 6th
Telosia 6th
Tisiphone 5th
Verdia 7th
Week 8 Overall Standings
Faction Standing
Space Marines 1st
Imperial Guard 2nd
Eldar 3rd
Chaos 4th
Dark Eldar 5th
Orks 6th
Tau 7th
Tyranids 8th
Necrons 9th



Tau Overall Campaign Standing

The overall campaign results are based on your faction's weekly efforts compared to that of the other factions. The column at the end, the "Overall" column, indicates your faction's current overall standing for the Medusa V campaign as well as your faction's outlook.

  Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Overall
Tau 5th Image of a small,  yello button. 5th Image of a small,  yello button. 4th Image of a small,  yello button. 9th Image of a small, red button. 8th Image of a small,  red button. 3rd Image of a small, green button. 3rd Image of a small, green button. 9th Image of a small, red button. 6th Image of a small,  yello button.

What Does That Mean? The following color codes are meant to provide you with a barometer of how well your faction is progressing towards its stated goal for Medusa V. These color codes are here to give you a sense of your progress to date.

Image of a green button. Green. Your faction is doing well, and if things continue, you are bound to secure your objectives before Medusa V is swallowed up by the approaching Warp Storm.
Image of a yellow button. Yellow. The fight is far from over, and the outcome isn't certain, though victory is definitely within your grasp. To assure you achieve your faction's goal, you'll need to put forth greater effort.
Image of a red button. Red. Things are not looking well at all, and fate seems to have forsaken you. Despite your best efforts, nothing seems to be going according to plan. Victory may still be possible, as the winds of war are often fickle. In order to succeed, you'll need to re-double your efforts!

The Big Picture. It is important to remember that for this campaign, there will be no single winner. Each faction is working towards its goal, and battles will determine whether or not they are able to achieve it.

Note: Chaos and Space Marines have a deep hatred for each other. While the Chaos goal is to turn the planet in to a Daemon world, the Space Marines have vowed to not let this happen. Because of this very fact, Chaos and Space Marines cannot both achieve their goals simultaneously.

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