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Date : 04/05/2007  
  Leeds City Council Crest

A-Z of council services

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> Services


Leeds City Council delivers over 500 specialist services to the people of Leeds. You can also find council services using our A-Z or keyword search at the top right of the page.

Advice and benefits
Asylum and immigration, Benefits, Council tax, Domestic violence, Emergencies, Grants, Legal advice, Trading standards, Voluntary organisations

Business rates, Business support and advice, Commercial property, Commercial waste and recycling, Health and safety, Licences and street trading, Markets, Sponsorship, Tenders and contracts, Town centre management

Community and living
Births, Childcare, Community advice, Community centres and facilities, Crime prevention, Deaths, funerals and cremations, Equality and diversity, Marriages, Religions, faiths and beliefs, Safety, Support groups, Youth offending, Youth support

Council and democracy
Consultations, Corporate complaints, Council departments, Council news, Councillors, democracy and elections, Data protection and freedom of information, Elected representatives, Performance, Statistics and census information, Unitary authorities

Education and learning
Adult and community education, Learning centres, Parental support, Pre-schools, Schools and colleges

Environment and planning
Animal welfare, Building control, Countryside, Environmental health, Parks and open spaces, Planning, Pollution, Regeneration, Rubbish, waste and recycling, Sustainability

Health and social care
Accessibility, CarersChildren and family care, Community transport, Disabilities, Doctors, GPs' and hospitals, Food safety, Fostering, adopting and looked after children, Health and medical advice, Help for adults, Infectious diseases, Mental health, Services for older people, Substance abuse

Adapting homes, Council housing, Housing advice, Housing associations and co-ops, Housing finance, Improvements and repairs, Land and premises, Multiple occupancy homes, Private housing, Right to buy, Supported and sheltered housing

Jobs and careers
Careers advice, Job centres, Jobs at the council, Training and development

Leisure and culture
Arts and entertainment, Conservation, Exhibitions, Fitness, Libraries, Local history and heritage, Museums and galleries, Sports, clubs and centres, Tourism and travel, Venues

Transport and streets
Abandoned vehicles, Parking, Public transport, Road safety, Roads, highways and pavements, Street care and cleaning, Taxis and minicabs, Transport policy, Walking and cycling

Pages in this section

Sign Language Videos (BSL)

Further information
  graphical link representing the different languages available  
Arabic Bengali Chinese Farsi Gujarati Hindi Kurdish Punjabi Urdu

Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | Farsi | Gujurati | Hindi | Kurdish | Punjabi | Urdu