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Date : 06/05/2007  
  Leeds City Council Crest

A-Z of council services

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> Advice and benefits > Council departments > Out of hours social services support

Emergency out of hours services

A member of staff at the council's corporate contact centre

Emergency housing repairs for council tenants
Emergency repairs to council housing can be reported 24 hours a day, by telephoning the appropriate repair number shown below for your area:

East North East Homes Leeds

0800 915 16 00

West North West Homes Leeds

0113 398 4708

South South East Homes Leeds

0113 398 4710

Please note this service is for true emergencies only. You will be charged for the service if your situation is not a real emergency or if the problem has been caused by your neglect or vandalism. Examples of jobs which are emergencies include:

  • dangerous electrical faults;
  • major plumbing faults;
  • securing property after burglary;
  • gas central heating faults;
  • blocked drains (where there is a risk to health and safety).

Emergency repairs for non- council buildings and highways
Emergency repairs can be reported for non-council buildings, dangerous structures and dangerous highways (including street lights or signs) outside of normal hours on 0113 376 0499. Please note this number is for emergency situations only.

Social services emergency duty team
For social work emergencies out of office hours please call 0113 240 9536. We help carers, older people, children and young people, people with mental health problems and people with learning or physical disabilities, should a social work crisis occur outside office hours. Please only contact this service in a true emergency and if your needs cannot wait until normal office hours.

Noise nuisance outside office hours
If you are disturbed by noise nuisance in the evening, at night or at weekends and you aren't able to resolve the problem informally by talking to the people responsible, you can report the noise to us on 0113 240 7361.  We aim to respond to complaints within an hour. We assess the level of noise nuisance and will take appropriate action to reduce it.

Further information


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