
accepted: Jul 19, 2006

Comments by EnigmaNemesis:



The 360 Achievements That Never Were (Or Ever Will Be)

Game Stooge, baby brother of established game blog 2old2play is the newest in an ever expanding world of game sites on the web. Currently, it's updated rather infrequently, but they do have a pretty funny article up right now listing the top 10 Xbox 360 achievements that we'll never see. It's a great list and I got quite a few chuckles out of it, so I thought I would share some of my favorites.

As disturbing as say hamsters or mice?

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Bungie Releases First Halo 3 Teaser Image

Ok, so it might not be the most exciting picture on the block, but the real draw of this image is in small print at the bottom. According to Bungie's weekly update, it looks like they have finally set a "release window" for Halo 3 for the fall of this year. If you're one of those impatient types, you still might have a chance of getting in on the Halo 3 beta when it launches sometime this Spring. Provided, of course, that you pick up that very special copy of Crackdown!

Why do people who are uninterested in the topic of a post feel compelled to still click on the post AND tell us they aren't interested in its subject matter?

One word...


Went through a move a couple of weeks ago, so I am finally getting re-set up.

Yeah I notice that one, I am talking 1920*1200 and 1650*1080, etc, heh!

And as with you, kind of tired of some of the comments on here, we have all done our fair share of silly comments, but man it is getting atrocious. I notice 2-3 guys that are huge Sony fanboys, then a group of 360 ones, and 90% of the rest Nintendo. Rename the site to Nintaku and be done with it *snicker*.

Good to be back none-the-less, albeit limited.

Why they never put widescreen wallpapers out is baffling.

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XBL Achievements: One New Rule, One New Guideline

Xbox Live? Not enough rules. Chaos, anarchy, fear, that's what spreads without rules. More rules are needed, especially if those pesky developers are going to be brought into line. And more rules we've got, Microsoft laying down: No more charging for downloadable content that gives players a competitive edge in multiplayer. If it helps you in MP, it's got to be free on the disc. This one's a rule - break it and it's off to the gulag.

hahahaha, what is it with you messed up people, a gamer score is important for what?? NOTHING



I can see the logic behind not allowing it though. It prevents people from getting together and saying "OK, you shoot me 10,000 times, then I'll shoot you 10,000 times"

They did it anyways, and it was WORSE due to it being ranked stacking.

Having achievements online that are not ranked would be great, and how it should be.

I would also like to see a rule of no item on the disc that is already there should be sold as an unlockable code on live and scam the consumer.

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Reggie Brings Good News, Bad News

Chatting with Stephen Totilo over at MTV, Reggie brings a double-punch of new news, some good, some...not so good. I'll get the bad stuff over with first, so that by the end of the post hope may spring eternal. BAD NEWS: Metroid Prime 3? Yeah, it's not coming in "early 2007". The focus on 'Prime 3' is to make that the stellar game for a first-person experience on the platform. ... What that means is we're going to make sure it's perfect when we launch it.



BBC Watchdog None Too Happy With Busted 360s

We all know that 360s picked up at or around the console's launch haven't had the best track record when it comes to reliability. It's getting better, yes, but man, those early machines didn't fare too well. Lotsa red rings, lotsa brown boxes going in and out of MS HQ. In the US, this led to Microsoft grudgingly accepting there was an issue and offering free repairs on any console manufactured before January 1, 2006, regardless of whether or not it was still under warranty.

Ironically my buddies launch 360 just broke on him.

So out of all 5 friends that have them, I am the only one that hasnt had theirs break ... yet ... *knocks on wood*.

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Clip: Halo 3 Gameplay Video?

A YouTuber named Blaze97 posted this video on YouTube, stating it was leaked footage of the Halo 3 alpha test from someone named Blip Chizzle. There is no way in hell we are going on record as saying this is real, but you never know. Figured I would post it and let you folks give it a good tearing into.

Its curious how some people can't stand anyone having an opinion

Some people just cross the "opinion" threshold too far, where it is more apparent "trolling" rather than opinion making.

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